Page 26 of Mated to Monsters

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I clear my throat. “I can show you some of my favorite places,” I suggest, though I regret the words immediately. Why would I say that?

The tension in her shoulders eases a little as she turns to me. “I’d like that.”

We follow the winding path to the city center until we reach the fountains. They are ornate, laid out in a diamond shaped pattern with seats weaving in between them. They look fantastic during a thunderstorm.

“Is that blood?” She gasps, and I sputter a laugh.

“No,” I cough out. “The water is naturally that tint since we don’t filter it out. I wouldn’t drink from the fountains, but the red comes from the stones on the bottom of our streams, not blood.”

She swiped her forehead. “Phew. I was a little worried you were going to sacrifice me.”

It takes a second for me to realize that she was only joking, and I chuckle a little. “No, not today at least.”

This time, I get a grin.

We walk among the gardens before we continue our tour, winding down toward the north side of the city. The Demon King’s house is easy to spot from the city’s center as it is up on a hill and enormous. I’ve never understood the need for so much space, but I do not concern myself with it.

The only reason I want to come this way is to show Cora the gardens. There are small plants scattered throughout the city, but here, they thrive.

“This is the King’s garden,” I tell her, stopping before the fence.

“The King lives here?” she whispers.

I turn to her, curious why she suddenly looks so nervous. “Yes.”

She nods, her eyes roaming over the vast vegetation. The walkways are lined with shimmering black stones that complement the bushes and broad-leafed trees that line the path. Silver vines twist up the tree trunks, reflecting back the flashes of lighting.

It’s beautiful, and yet, Cora says nothing. In fact, her eyes don’t even look like they are seeing it. I’m not sure why, but I’m worried that I’ve spooked her somehow. She’s grown quiet, withdrawn, and I’ve learned that that is not her personality.

No, she’s more like an unyielding Ur’gin pup who refuses to listen. I should find it aggravating that she is bold enough to bite me and throw chair legs at me, but instead, I find it admirable for her to be so courageous.

She’s defiant, and she doesn’t let fear rule her. Even out here in the city, she doesn’t cower. She’s kept a healthy distance between her and potential threats, showing her intelligence and trying to allow for her to be able to calculate her next move, but she hasn’t let any concern show through.

It’s good that she won’t show weakness.

I find that her fearlessness makes me more interested in her, and I try to talk to her, wishing she’d come out of her shell again. I was starting to enjoy her company, to my surprise, as we teased each other and showed her around. I thought she was feeling the same before I mentioned the King.

My heart throbs a little as I look over at her. I hate to see something bothering her, especially if I somehow unknowingly caused it. I want to bring back that smile to her lips again. Her rosy lips that stretch into the most radiant grin I’ve ever seen...

Cora turns to me then, and I almost jolt out my skin. Where was that thought going? Can she see it on my face? I almost feel a little nervous as she looks at me, until I see her eyes are still slightly unfocused. She’s not concerned with me.

At least I didn’t think she was until she steps closer, tilting her head back to stare deeply in my eyes. My breath catches in my throat from the intensity of my gaze, and I chastise myself for losing control over myself around this human. I need to get a grip.

“What are you going to do to us?” Cora asks, and her voice is so soft and broken that I almost crumble right there. Since I’ve met her, I’ve never seen defeat in her, but it’s dancing in her eyes. The not knowing, the new place, the missing person... It’s enough to destroy anyone, and it seems to be taking a toll on her.

My brain stalls as her words echo around my mind. I don’t know how to answer her,

A part of me flares up with annoyance. We were having such a great time out here in the city, her questions finally stemmed, and now, she had to bring this up? She’s lucky she got out of that cage, that no one else decided to deal with her before me. She should be thanking her gods that she isn’t dead right now.

Instead, she’s pestering me instead of appreciating the advanced society I’ve shown her here on Ti’lith. I’m not even sure if she’s been taking it in with how quiet she’s been, and I frown deeply at that.

Then, a thought occurs to me, and I can feel my lips curl up without my permission. I can’t help it. There’s only one thing in all of this world that I allow myself to care for so deeply and enjoy—well, it’s actually the only thing I genuinely enjoy because I don’t like to be around others; they suck.

She pales a little as I grin, probably assuming the worst of me or the plans that everyone has for her. She looks as though she’s going to ask another question before I answer her first, which I have no intention of doing. I don’t let it deter me as I tell her, “I have one more thing to show you.”


