Page 93 of Mated to Monsters

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“What is broken is this damned city!” Her humor is gone in a flash, replaced by seething rage, her arms rigid at her sides. “Run by a coward of a King and his useless sons!

“It is a wonder that anyone follows Asmodeus’ rancid seed!”

“You do not mean that-”

“I mean every word,” she spits, her whole body quivering now. “Did you think I made a fool of myself in public because I liked you? I needed you, but now, I’m beginning to think the spawn of a trolvor would have more backbone than any of your lot.

“The others follow the Demon King because they are frightened.” She straightens, and that trembling in her limbs subsides. “I do not possess fear.”

I purse my lips. “I know.”

Yedina pauses, but only for a moment, her eyes flaring with uncertainty. There’s something vulnerable about her expression before it disappears for that tight confidence I’ve become so familiar with. “You know nothing.”

“Yedina, you’re not thinking straight.

“Release her and be done with this. Let us leave without incident, and I won’t tell my father what you have confessed here today. Neither of us will.”

“It’s too late!” Her smile is too broad. “The bitch knows, and she’ll squeal under the softest of tortures. I cannot let her loose, and you. You are as fickle as your father.” She beams up at me, her gaze trailing to the lines she drew across my face. “The moment you step out of my front door, you will damn me.”

“You have damned yourself,” I say in turn, reaching to cup her cheek. She takes it as a welcoming gesture, though she must sense the threat as the claw of my thumb tightens around her jaw. She yields when I drag her in by the throat. “You could have been a matron to be envied,” I murmur against her cheek, feeling her delicate arms wrap around me and tighten. “You could have been great.”

Her breath flits through my hair. “You think so?”

“I know so,” I whisper, my grip tightening around her pretty neck.

Just a little more, and it will cut off her breathing. I press my thumb into the hollow of her throat. Her breath comes ragged, as if it is our first night together. “You don’t have it in you, Rej. You have no proof, if you kill me here.

“Drag me to court, I dare you.”

“No,” I say. “It ends here, tonight.

“I should have done this a long time ago.”

Laura writhes against the wall, whining behind the gag. It must be Yedina’s magic wrapped around her wrists, and sinking into her flesh. The poison will have to be drawn out, but we still have plenty of time. It’s Yedina that’s running out.

Even as we’re locked against each other, her death inevitable, she tucks her hands beneath my shirt and feels up my hard stomach. Is it all a joke to her? I’ve never met a demon with more disregard for their own life.

Most would be fighting tooth and nail to survive, especially caught in the grip of a Prince. I thought matrons had more power than this, but maybe she isn’t using hers. Just moments ago, she was destruction, incarnate.

Now, she is demure again, soft. “Is this what you want?”

“It’s not about what I want.”

Her smile presses against my cut cheek, and her tongue slips out to sweep the blood away. “I know you, Rej’thorek, like that human never will. She will soon break anyway, under your violent passions.

“And she cannot possibly love the one who holds her chains.”

Yedina’s words are a poison in and of themselves. They let a little doubt it, and it overshadows all our memories together. But I have to hold firm. Yedina is a master of deceit, and she will do anything to win me over.

My hand is already in place to snap her neck, I just have to do it.

“Well?” she taunts sweetly, running her cool fingers over my pecs and down my tight stomach. “Are you going to kill me? Or are you going to let me keep the woman. I promise, I’ll take good care of her for you…”

My grip tightens.

Yedina’s air cuts off, and her nails bite into my chest as if she means to take me with her. I grunt and tear her back, keeping my fist clenched around her neck and raise her high. Her eyes are already bulging, and her skin is darkening with unhealthy splotches.

I almost expect to find blood running from her mouth as it gapes for air.
