Page 28 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll

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I open my legs, eagerly awaiting him and he looks down at me, a smirk on his face before pushing inside me at last. “Yes,” he hisses as he sinks into me, filling me up so fully I’m in awe.

“Oh, gods,” I breathe as he pumps, his movements hard yet slow, plunging into my depths, owning me. I reach down into his loose pants, grabbing his taught ass as his hips work us both into ecstasy, the bureau banging against the wall with the force.

“Is this what you want?” he asks again.

“Gods, yes,” I manage.

“And you?”

He takes my chin in his hand and I look up at him, his beautiful and distinct eyes even more mesmerizing as he fucks me. A wanton smile spreads across his face and yet there is warmth there too. He cares for me as I do him.

When he kisses me again, it is full of something more gentle, more meaningful. He runs a hand over my nipple, the sensation so intense it pushes me over the edge. I try to cry out but his mouth is still on mine and so I moan into it as my climax takes me, pleasure erupting throughout my body.

It’s as if he refuses to let me go as he swallows my cries and my moans until he himself is emptying into me and I can feel the hot pulses as they fill me up.

“Sweet, Ellie,” he says as he rests against me.

“Brilyk,” I respond. “It wasn’t such a terrible idea now, was it.”



It is a glorious day with the bright sun shining down and no clouds in the blue sky. I awoke feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep and even had a filling breakfast with Ellie in the morning time.

Last night played out so wonderfully that I question if it was all a dream. I feel like I’m on top of the world as we take a walk through the manor gardens together.

In a way, it feels as though we’re on a date. When other guards aren’t looking, we share snacks that I grabbed from the pantry, eating them between conversations and laughter. She nudges my elbow and shoots me a curious look, rousing my interest.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I just never knew you could be like this,” she says.

“Well, I am a normal person beneath this suit of armor.”

“I know,” she chuckles. “Maybe it’s just because you're technically on duty.”

“I’m not supposed to be behaving like this,” I say as I look around cautiously. “So just keep this a secret between you and I, okay?”

“Yeah, sure thing,” she laughs.

As we talk and find out more about each other, I find myself slipping deeper and deeper into the crevices of her love spell. As a result, I have difficulty parting with her, even if just for a moment.

I haven’t forgotten about the rebel movement. The rebellion has been at the forefront of my mind for so many years that it has become as natural to me as breathing has.

In the back of my mind, a voice reminds me that the time to report to Gavarn Krasash is soon approaching. In fact, there is a meeting taking place tonight in a secret hideout spot in the woods, though I’m unsure if I’ll be able to attend.

On one shoulder, I have my rebel voice yelling to go to it, to tell the news of Fohri’s departure from the manor. On the other, there is the part of me saying not to leave Ellie unattended. The events of last night have only strengthened my instinct to protect her.

I dare not willingly leave her alone under the eyes of Ihokha. My suspicions of him are at an all time high after seeing the look on his face as he approached Ellie. I thought I saw her excited to see him but I’ve convinced myself that it was just an overthought.

Still, with Fohri gone, the time has never been more perfect for the rebels to strike. He will not have the same level of security on the roads, meaning it’s an opportune time to take him out once and for all.

With him out of the way, the attack on the estate can commence. I silently mull over Gavern’s plans of him conducting a full frontal offense from the outside while I handle business on the inside.

The rebel itch in me begs to be scratched, causing me to become excited and restless as the realization the end is near for the Renziu brothers.

I just need to think of a way that I can deal with Ellie.
