Page 35 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll

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I know then that I need to know more about Brilyk. Whatever his motives are, I do not think they have anything to do with loyalty to Fohri. The knowledge comes to me so slowly that I almost feel stupid that I did not realize it at first.

Brilyk was angry. Not because I was going against Fohri’s orders. But because he thought something was going on between Ellie and I.The bastard was jealous.I almost laugh out loud. He is right though. Somethingisgoing on between Eleanor and myself.

Or at least, I hope it is.

I go through his file carefully. A lot of the information was compiled by one of the guards I trust the most. I see instantly that Brilyk comes from one of the villages where the rebellion has been brewing for months now.

He lived there his entire life and trained to become a guard there, before coming to Kantor. Brilyk was even arrested once – during his youth – for protesting the arrival of the royal guard, when my father ruled Kantor.

So why in the name of the Thirteen is he working for us now?

I take several steps back before I take a seat behind my desk. Brilyk has not been working for us for that long, compared to the other guards. In fact, most of the information that has escaped the boundaries of this manor has happened right after Brilyk started working here.

Could he be working with the rebellion?

Is that the only reason that he is working here? To get intel on us? To feed to the rebellion? It makes sense. The other guards have always shown their loyalty through their devotion to this family. But I have always had the feeling that Brilyk does not actually want to be here.

This is a dangerous situation to be in.

And with Ellie involved, it can explode into something very ugly.

If Brilyk is really working for the rebellion – although I have no proof of this – and he also has feelings for Ellie, then he is a clear enemy.

If all this is true, then I cannot make a move yet. I need real, clear proof. Because if it is true and I dismiss him right away, I could be giving up a valuable resource.

And that’s only if all this is true. You need proof first. You can’t rush into anything. Do not do anything that Fohri would do.

I grin to myself. If my brother knew this about Brilyk, he’d probably have the guard executed. I have to say that the thought of Brilyk being executed is not the worst thing I have heard.

Especially if he does have feelings for Ellie.When did you become so possessive of her?When I realized that I was falling for her.

I look at the watch on my desk then, and realize that I am about to be late for dinner with Ellie. I take one last look in the mirror in my office before I leave, and smooth my hair down.

You’re being ridiculous. You’re worse than Fohri.

I make it to the dining room in record time. I am barely in my seat when I hear Eleanor approaching. I stand quickly, ensuring that I do not look rushed, and then she walks in.

Any composure I may have gained in the five minutes that I have been in the dining room is lost to me. She looks stunning. She looks like a gift given by the Thirteen. She is dressed in a flowing dress, and her skin glows. She has applied color to her lips, and she has darkened her lashes. Her long, thick dark hair falls down her back, and flowers are threaded through her hair.

My chest tightens at the sight of her, and for a second I cannot speak. Then I remember my manners, and I help her into her chair.

Brilyk, who walked her into the room, is looking at me stonily when I place a light hand on the small of Eleanor’s back.

“You look incredible,” I whisper to her, and she lets out a light laugh. “Really, you do.”

Then I look up at Brilyk, who is standing in the doorway of the dining room. “You may leave now.” I say coldly.

He is silent for a moment. Then he speaks. “My orders were to stay with her at all times.”

“You aren’t needed here. The servants will be around us at all times to ensure that she won’t sneak away again.”

Brilyk shifts his stance, as if he is planting his feet in the ground. When I examine him more closely, I realize that he is not looking at me. He is looking at Eleanor.

Rage and jealousy surge through me, as I realize that something is definitely going on between Brilyk and Eleanor. He clearly has feelings for her, and does not want to leave her alone with me.

Because he knows you have feelings for her too.

“While Fohri is gone,” my voice is stiff. I make sure that Eleanor is in her chair before I walk around her to face Brilyk. “I am in charge. And I am telling you to leave.”
