Page 69 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll

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“You have to stop staring at them like you might murder them,” he murmurs.

“I won’t. I lack the passion to do something like that. You know this.” I raise my eyebrows at him.

“Yeah, that emotionless stare is what freaks people out. Just try to keep your face neutral and not stare at anybody too hard.” He slaps me on the back. “Let’s get you a drink and loosen up, eh? We’re going up to the VIP lounge.”

I choose not to tell him that I have no interest in going to the top floor of this building I’m being dragged through. Floor after floor exposes all that the L’amouer has to offer.

I swallow back how little I want to push through this building, seeing only reminders of why I had never come here before. In fact, I had always avoided this place because while others see fun, I see a mess that I don’t want to touch me.

The L’amouer boasts its abundance of humans to torment or screw, but it makes no sense to me. The hours of rutting don’t bring me satisfaction, especially when I can fulfill my needs with a willing elf.

It seems that I am the only one that doesn’t derive any pleasure from bullying these humans, and I have to assume it is because of my distance from emotions. No matter what it is, I know that I won’t be having any fun tonight.

I make a mental note to bring this up to my brother. It’s proof that I’m making an effort, even if everyone gives me a wide berth. I think they can feel how different I am if they don’t recognize me first, and I don’t mind. It’s better than being brushed up against naked bodies that I wish I didn’t have to be near.

I recoil from the humans in the halls, many attached to elves using them for the night. I’ve always avoided the creatures since they came. I have plenty of servants already, and I’ve found no need to deal with the new race that everyone has exploited.

Don’t be mistaken. I don’t care what other people do. That’s none of my business. I just keep away from them, and until tonight, that’s gone fairly well.

My cousin has now thrust me into the throngs of these humans, the L’amouer being full of them. On top of that, the smell of semen, sweat, and urine saturates the air, and while the others comment on the activities available for the night causing these scents, I just feel dizzy.

I don’t know how it’s not affecting them, but I need fresh air. It’s the only thing that keeps me moving up through the floors as the stenches grow and the entertainment turns even more twisted.

Relief bursts through me as we arrive at the VIP box. It’s on the upper floor, and it’s so exclusive that few people are up here. The guys are so excited they don’t seem to notice as I hang back.

I let them go into the room while I linger in the hallway. The air out here isn’t tainted, and for a moment, I want to cleanse my senses.

It’s really been a waste of a night, and I question again why I even bothered to come out. I know my brother would never force me into anything, but I want to appease him.

Honestly, I thought by now I wouldn’t be upheld to traditional standards. Having a social life isn’t reasonable for someone like me, and I thought that others would have seen that by now. It doesn’t appear to be that way, though, so I find myself considering my options, of whether I’ll join Carisu and his friends or head home and send him a Zagfer to tell him.

Before I decide, I hear a loud commotion coming from the other end of the hall. My curiosity piques, and I head toward the noise of thrashing and arguing.

As I turn the corner, I spot two dark elves dragging a human woman between them. She flails against them, but her movements seem weak, even for a human. I stand there wondering what they are even doing with her as she doesn’t smell disgusting like the others when her eyes lift to me.

Something strikes me deep in my core as I stare at her, and my breath catches in my throat. My chest constricts, and my feet seem rooted into the ground.

Her eyes are a crystal-clear blue, so icy that they nearly look translucent as they watch me. I find myself frozen underneath her gaze, and I swear time itself stops in her presence.

It feels like everything about her engulfs me, and I no longer can hear the roar of the people on the other side of the door or smell the sour scents of the building. No, all I can see or feel or think of is her.

I’ve never felt something so all-consuming like this, and it's like my soul is being sucked from my body as she passes by me. My body aches to go to her, but I don’t move. For a fleeting moment, I swear I don’t remember how to.

I would have stayed there all night just staring at her, letting her gaze pin me in place, if it weren’t for the dark elves. They drag her around the corner, breaking our eye contact, and it jerks me out of my daze.

Still, I don’t move, even as my senses come rushing back in. I can hear and smell everything again, and I even take a few stumbling steps forward.

Her gaze has left my body feeling tingly and off-kilter, which is extremely unusual for me. I am known to be so disciplined now, but the way my heart is pounding and adrenaline is rushing through me proves that something revolutionary has just occurred.

My mind replays the scene over and over as I try to make sense of it. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything remotely close to that, and I need to understand what happened.

How did this human pull that out of me? What was she?

My body starts to burn with a fire that I don’t know how to tame as I think of her, and the only thought that I can process is that I need to go after her. I’m not sure if what I just experienced was pleasant, but it was more than the usual numbness that I have grown used to.

I ache to understand it, to explore it more, but I have waited too long. I pace down the hall, but I have no idea where they have taken the girl.

It seems that my questions are answered as the room below roars to life, announcers shouting. Normally, I would ignore such a commotion, but with my body heightened and my head in such a weird place, I find myself rushing toward the VIP door.

I'm not sure why, but I thought that maybe all that noise could actually solve something for me.
