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I watch as he steps out of a Pressbyrån shop and comes back to join me.

“Here.” He puts a plastic bottle of water down by my hand. “You should drink water.”

“Thanks.” He nods and turns to go again, but I catch his hand, pulling him down into the chair next to me. “It means a lot,” I tell him sincerely, “that you came here with me.”

“I wanted to see your work,” he mutters. “You’re incredible.”

“Well, thank you for coming. You’ve been amazing.”

He stares at me for a few seconds, ice-blue eyes piercing into me. Then he wraps an arm around my waist and picks me up. I squeak as I’m lifted onto his lap, right in the middle of the airport. Some people turn and stare, but I don’t care. I don’t care about other people judging me, anymore. It doesn’t matter what other people think of me.

Cole visibly relaxes when we land in Kiruna. The drive back home is pretty much silent. I look out of the window, watching the snow get thicker and the trees get sparser as we climb up into the mountains. My throat tightens every time we pass a little village, or I spot one of the reindeer herders leading their animals home for the night.

I’m home.

It’s dark outside by the time we finally pull up outside our mountain cabin. Cole goes to park the car in the garage, while I trudge through the snow to the front door. My stomach is twisting with excitement. I don’t even have my key in the lock before the door flies open. Eli practically attacks me, throwing his arms around me and pulling me inside, right into his chest. I smile, breathing in the warm smell of pine.

“I missed you, Tink,” he mumbles into my neck, squeezing me tightly. “God. Next time I’m coming with you, okay? I don’t care whose turn it is. Me. My turn. I’m coming.”

“Well, I don’t know. Cole’s such a seasoned flier, now. You might have to fight it out with him.” I hug him tightly back. “I missed you, too.So much.”

He sighs happily, cupping my cheeks and tugging me into a deep kiss. I soften against him as he curls his tongue possessively between my lips.

“Eli,” a cool voice says. “Share.”

Eli grumbles and steps back so Riven can welcome me home. The man holds me at arm’s length for a moment, running his eyes over me. His eyes catch on my slightly swollen breasts, and I wonder if the doctor will work out the secret I’ve been keeping over the trip. Judging by the tiny smile on his lips, he just might have. He pulls me into a warm hug, pressing a firm kiss to my lips. “We’re not whole without you,” he mumbles against my cheek.

Eli takes my hand, tangling our fingers together. I feel Cole come up behind me, his chest up against my back. Any tension left in my body fades away as I’m circled by my mountain men. My husbands.

Sometimes, I can’t believe this is my life. I can’t believe I got this lucky. I’m surrounded by love all the time. It cocoons me. It wraps me up and keeps me safe and warm. Our relationship is unconventional, but it’s the best relationship I can imagine.

And I’ve never been happier.
