Page 15 of Diablo

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He exhales loudly and works harder, wiping it up and then shifting a little to his right to reach a spot he missed. His ass sticks out in those boxers, a small, round ass. What would it look like if I spread those cheeks and slid my cock through them?

I guarantee his father would murder me if I fucked him. There’d be no escaping that fate.

Although, the thought of doing it isn’t unpleasant. I could manage it, I’m sure. It’s not like we have much else to do while we wait.

Yep, that’s my line, and I’m sticking to it.

“There,” he says, sitting up and peeking over at me. “Happy now?”

“Immensely,” I say, letting go of his neck and standing up. His skin is red where I held on to him, and I conjure up the image of his ass pink from my handprints before shaking it off.

I can’t go there, no matter how much I’d like to.

Can’t do that.

I have shit I need to be alive for. Like my sister and my mother. Imagine if I died, who would take care of them then? When I left them years ago to join the Marines, things almost fell apart. I can’t disappear forever. I can keep my dick in my pants and out of his hole. I am a professional. I may cross the line occasionally, but I always move back over to the other side once I’m done.

I’m going to step back onto my side now…until he does something else to fuck with me. Then maybe I will have to step over it once more. Not that it’s a hardship.

He may not be my type, but I could still derive some kind of pleasure from this.

“If you touch me again like that, my father will hear about it.”

“Tell him anything you want. Not that he’ll believe you.”

Diablo’s eyes narrow and his fists clench. I see something flash across his face before it disappears. I can’t make out what it was, but it’s relevant. I tuck it into the back of my mind to examine later. I know his relationship with his father is precarious at best, but I don’t know him well enough to understand the dynamics at play. There is a whole history of shit between them that I’d need to delve into to really understand what makes Diablo tick. And I have a feeling his relationship with his parents are a large part of it.

I smirk at him. “Come at me. You tried once and didn’t even leave a mark.”

Diablo’s knuckles crack. “Next time I’ll cut off your finger.”

I stride toward him, holding out my hand. “Do you know the kind of strength it takes to do that? To cut through bone?”

“Do you know who my father is?” he asks, the orange in his eyes lighting up. He looks like he’s ready to spit fire.

“You know that I do.”

“Do you know what he’s done to people who hurt me?”

“Did I hurt you?” I ask, watching as he reaches up and rubs at the back of his neck.

“I could say that you did…I could lie.”

“And when has he ever believed you?”

The words were meant to cut, and I can see that they do. He flinches slightly and his hand falls to his side. “I can be very convincing.”

I don’t even respond, just turn and walk away. I can’t go far though because I need to keep this little shit alive, so I move outside where I itch for a smoke. Fuck, but I gave that up years ago and at times like this, I wish I hadn’t. I fiddle with a ring that sits on my right hand and sigh.

Goddammit. I’m a professional. I can do this. It’s only another day or two here and then we move again. I flick open my phone and glance down at it, wishing Diablo’s father would give me an update and tell me that it’s over. That we can go home and I can get back to my usual grind.

But there is nothing staring back up at me. Which means I’m stuck here for a while longer.

Glancing over my shoulder, I listen for Diablo, waiting to hear him stomping around. I have a feeling that if I move back inside, there’s a good chance he’d be trying to crawl out a window. Not that he could actually get a window open. His father made sure they were bulletproof and sealed shut.

But still, I should check on him to make sure he’s not doing something stupid.

It seems to be something he’s incredibly good at. I shake my head and run a hand down my face. Hacking into Pavelli’s computer and exposing what a pervert he is was probably one of the stupidest things Diablo could have done. I know why he did it, but it was still so damn reckless. Though a part of me admires him for being such a little shit. Can’t say I wouldn’t do the same if someone messed with my sister. I’d probably do worse, to be honest.
