Page 53 of Relentless Charm

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Bailey touched King’s arm gently. “I figured King would be in high demand after such a successful job. Where are you sending him next?”

“Nowhere,” Carmen replied somberly. “I was hoping he could stay there. We have a client who is being relentlessly stalked. She’s high profile. An actress. You’ll know her work. She’s tried everything to break free of this stalker or even figure out who they are. This is an incredibly volatile situation and she’s in grave danger if she doesn’t leave immediately.”

Bailey looked up at King. “Wait you want to send a famous actress to Cinderhill? She’ll hate it here.”

“I need her as far off the grid as possible. This is not some creepy stalker who’s just obsessed with her on screen persona. It’s something much larger than that. I need to find out who is behind the threats to her and while that work is being done, she needs to disappear.”

King nodded and smiled down at Bailey. “I’m happy to stay here and help any way I can. Is she going to travel with your team and when would she arrive?”

“I’m very worried there is some deep conspiracy involved here. She’s spoken out about a church she used to be a part of and this could potentially be tied in. I’ve got to send her with someone I can fully trust. Thank goodness there are so many O’Malley brothers.” She laughed quietly. “I’ll send you both the information I can and any details that might help. But expect two new guests soon. She’s shell shocked and while Cinderhill will be a big culture shock for her, I think it’s the best option.”

“We’re on it,” King said, beaming with relief. “We’ll wait to hear more from you soon.”

When the call ended, they stood staring at each other for a long moment.

“You’re staying,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. “I’m really happy that—”

He didn’t wait another second, his lips crushing down on hers, his uninjured arm tugging her body close. The kiss lasted an eternity, all the pent up fear and anticipation flowing through their lips.

“I’m so sorry I lied,” King finally whispered breathlessly as they parted. “I will never lie to you again.”

“I hope not, because I can’t live with someone I love lying to me. It’s too painful.”

The word love didn’t stick to her lips or come out clunky. Her cheeks didn’t pink with embarrassment. She meant it. Every syllable.

“I love you too,” he said, his lips parting into a wide smile as he pulled off the sling on his shoulder and lifted her off the ground.

“You’re arm,” she said with concern. “You’re hurt. Don’t take that off.”

“You make me feel super human. There’s no pain when I’m with you.”

“Where are we going?” She giggled as he tickled her side and kissed at her neck.

“We’re going to bed,” he teased.

“It’s the middle of the morning.” She smiled and looked into his hungry eyes.

“Good. That means I have all day with you.”

“There is so much work to be done. We have to—”

“We’ll be working up a sweat don’t worry.”

“King, what about all the work to be done here?” She gestured around but prayed he’d ignore her protests.

“It’ll all be here. The work isn’t going anywhere and neither am I. Remember, I won the bet. I’m cashing in on my date right now.”

“I guess it’s only fair,” she whispered into his ear as he held her tighter. “A bet is a bet.”

“I say we need a new one. This time I think I can stay here forever.”

“Ok,” she replied with a nod. “And I’m betting on us this time.”

“Oh, but some things need to change. We’re getting hot showers and I need a radio to listen to some baseball games on. And pizza. I can’t live without pizza. Have you even had sushi?”

“King, I’m not a prisoner here. We can go places. Do things. Now that Cinderhill is safe, I don’t feel like my every waking minute needs to be spent protecting it. We can be here sometimes and travel other times. We can make this work.”

“And the hot showers?”

“Consider it done.” She sealed it with a kiss and could see a future in his eyes that hadn’t existed before now.

He bit his lip and looked mischievously at her. “If I ever let you out of bed, we’re going out for pizza tonight.”

“Celebratory pizza. Done.”

They laughed and kissed as they moved as one down the paths of Cinderhill. He would have his pizza. She would have the place she loved with the man she loved. And maybe they’d even be able to help Carmen. Even the scales. Pay the debt.

There was hope in the air at Cinderhill and she breathed it in deeply. For the first time in a long time, tomorrow could be better than today. And the company wasn’t too bad either.

The End
