Page 37 of Lasting Hope

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“Thank you,” she whispered as she stepped away. “A little while longer maybe.”



The play was as delightful as all the people in Cinderhill had been since she met them. Returning here on her own instead of running for her life and hiding out had made everything about Cinderhill look more beautiful and placid.

King had their bags loaded up on the four wheeler and a somber look on his face. “You sure you don’t want to stay another month? We’ve made some big upgrades to the amenities since you’ve been here.”

Ben shook King’s hand. “You guys have done such amazing work here. Carmen is lucky to have a place she can send people that is so welcoming and safe. I think Cinderhill will be a safe haven for so many people.”

Mrs. Tully shuffled up with a sad expression. “It’s nice to have company coming through but the goodbyes are hard.” She pulled them both in for a tight hug. “Promise you’ll come back?”

“We’ll visit,” Ben promised.

“And you’re off to where?” Mrs. Tully asked eyeing him closely. “More work for Carmen or heading somewhere else?”

Ben chuckled as he planted a kiss on Paisley’s cheek. “I took a job in private security in Hollywood. Some actress. She’s beautiful, but a handful.”

Paisley nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. “I am not a handful.”

King sighed as he watched them say the rest of their goodbyes. “I’m glad this worked out for you. It’s been a crazy ride.”

“We were lucky you showed up when you did. Mick too.”

King chuckled. “I think Mick might stay if we let him.” He pointed to the large tree Mick was perched beneath. He stood, jammed his hands in his pockets and strolled over to them reluctantly.

“You staying Mick?” Paisley teased. “You can have our room.”

“I just might.”

His phone rang again and he cursed it. “I should have left this damn satellite phone on the air plane.”

“Hey Carmen,” he answered, giving them all a funny look as he stepped away but stayed in earshot. “Right away? I thought I was finally getting a break.” He chuckled and then put her at ease. “It’s fine. I’m only joking. I’m good. Florida? Tomorrow?”

He ended the call and slinked back over to them. “Well, I guess Cinderhill will have to wait. I’m needed urgently in Florida. It’s fine though. I’ve got some buddies down there I’ve been looking forward to seeing. Maybe I can turn whatever this is into a fishing trip.”

“What’s going on in Florida?” King asked looking anxious. “Need any back up.”

“You just want another hotel room,” Mick joked back. “But trust me, you don’t want any part of this one. It’s ugly. Carmen is trying to branch out. Help more people in new ways. That’s going to mean taking some bigger risks. I’m going to have my work cut out for me.”

“Just holler if you need me,” King said, extending his hand for a shake. “I’m happy to help. Carmen’s done so much for us, I want to help where I can.”

“Same,” Ben echoed. “You need us down there, just call. You’ve more than earned a vacation.”

“Just save me a spot here in Cinderhill. I’m going to need it when I’m done.” King gestured toward the four wheelers and sighed.


Paisley held tight to Ben as they sped on the four wheeler away from Cinderhill. Work was waiting for her. A new movie set. A group of people she’ll have to meet and work with who know what she’s gone through. They’ll ask questions. Offer sympathy. It would be different than normal. Less comfortable. But the closest to normal she’d felt in ages.

As they rounded a fast turn she gripped him tightly and pressed her lips to his neck. He half turned and smiled. “Don’t let go,” he called over his shoulder.

“I won’t.”

“Even after we get off this thing. Just don’t let go.”

“Ever?” she laughed as the wind caught up in her hair. “You might get sick of me.”
