Page 103 of The Piece You Broke

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But it’s close. Too close.

“Dariel?” Aden calls through the door. “Everything okay in there?”

Concern deepens his voice, a lot of it.

I have no idea what time it is or how long I’ve been here, but hours most likely. Had to be if I have no memory of shifting back to human and if Aden and Kade have parked themselves outside of the office. They’d only do that if they felt they couldn’t leave me here.

Which means things were bad.

But no one died.

I hope.

On my way to the closet door tucked in the room's corner, a door that miraculously seems to have survived, I pause.

“Is there anyone else here?” I call out.


“Kade? Aden?”

“Your nose not working?” Kade calls back, no doubt in my mind that he’s laughing at me.

“It’s working,” I snarl before I can stop myself.

More silence. A lengthier one.

Fuck, my control is hanging by a thread.

Calm the fuck down.

“You didn’t kill anyone.” Aden’s voice is distinctlynotamused because he knows just as well as I do the thing that is always at the back of my mind will one day happen.

The fear I’ll attack and kill one of the staff is ever-present, or even worse, that my wolf will burst free on a busy Saturday night. If that happened, there’s no telling how many would die.

I lunged at Monica once before, scaring her so badly that she stayed away from me for a week. After that, I realized she wouldn’t be the one to quieten the fury of my wolf as I’d believed she would because if my wolf would attack a woman I loved, no one was orissafe.

“It’s just us here,” Aden continues.

And Saige.

If he’s not mentioning her by name, it can only mean Kade filled him in on what I tried to do to her and he thinks even mentioning her name might be enough to trigger another attack.

Why the fuck can’t I remember what happened after I lunged at her? And why the fuck did seeing her scars trigger my wolf like that?

“You can go now,” I say, as I continue to the closet where I store a change of clothes for when it’s not safe for me to leave the office.

It’s disturbing how much I’ve gotten used to Aden’s casual suggestion, which horrified me before. But I guess he saw the way things were heading much sooner than the rest of us did.

Once, I valued my iron-clad control above everything, but now I’m thankful when I can manage a walk around the bar without having to silence a wolf snarl.

How did things get this bad?

As I quickly dress in a black shirt, pants, socks, and shoes identical to the ones that are likely nothing but confetti on the bar floor, I don’t hear Aden or Kade move.

After crossing over to the office door, I swing it open and come face to face with Aden and Kade standing just outside, tension filling Aden’s face, but the hint of a smile curving Kade’s mouth.

The smell of sex is even stronger on him this close, but I force myself to ignore the scent… and the low growl my wolf makes.
