Page 21 of The Piece You Broke

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“You don’t know me,” I whisper. “Why are you doing this?”

This time, when he stretches a hand toward me, I don’t flinch. He opens my palm and drops the keys in the center before closing my fingers gently around them. “I’m just someone who wants to help. I have to get back or they’ll notice I’m missing, and I’d like to make sure that guy is still there.”

When he turns back to the hospital, I grab for the sleeve of his white coat. “He’s dangerous. Don’t…” I lick my suddenly dry lips. “Don’t get in his way if he comes looking for me.”

His smile is reassuring. “I’m from New Jersey. I know how to handle myself against bullies, don’t worry.”

Idoworry because Nathan isn’t a bully, he’s a predator. Just like the rest of them.

He makes another move to leave, but I don’t release him. “Saige,” I say. “My name is Saige Leo. And please listen to me, he’s dangerous. Don’t get in his way.Please.”

The reassuring smile kicks into a wider one. “Much better than Jane Doe. I like it.”

But he doesn’t sound like he’s listening to me about Nathan. “Maybe you should come with me.”

Before I’ve finished speaking, he’s already shaking his head. “Doctors don’t just disappear mid-way through their shift. I have friends in the hospital, security, and an encyclopedic memory of how to incapacitate someone with fifty different drugs. Guess what’s never in short supply in a hospital?”

This time when he smiles, it’s so warm that my lips curve into an answering one as any lingering doubt about Dr. Trevor being one of the good ones melts away.

“Thank you, Dr. Trevor.”

He squeezes my hand. “Call me Simon. Now get out of here.”

Smiling, I let go of his coat, and he backs up. “I’ll see you later?”

He nods. “I need to make a quick call, and to see if I can get someone to cover my shift so I’ll—”

The black wolf comes out of nowhere.

I don’t even have a chance to scream.

It drives Simon to the ground so fast that he couldn’t have even known what was happening.

Before Simon can fight back or even make a sound, the wolf has its jaws around his throat, snapping it shut with a bite so hard the crack of his neck breaking pierces the quiet like a gunshot.

I flinch.

Tears fill my eyes. If they fall, I don’t feel it happen.


The large black wolf shakes Simon’s body around as if he were a ragdoll and not a man as blood paints the ground, a white doctor’s coat, and my entire world red.

No, no, no.

A ringing clatter makes me startle. I drag my gaze from the horror in front to my feet. Keys. Why did…?

An image shoves itself in my head. Simon Trevor tucking his keys in my hand.

Giving me somewhere safe to go. And now he’s gone.


A snarl drags me back to the present.

I jerk my head up. Simon’s dead brown eyes stare back at me, but his aren’t the only ones staring.

The wolf pulls his lips back from his teeth and snarls again, low in its throat.
