Page 91 of The Piece You Broke

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My mouth goes dry. “Why?”

“I’m sure you can figure it out.”

The memory of Aden’s words fills my mind. He said they were close. That they used to share everything. What did he mean?

Before I can explore the possibility for too long, blood trickles from a cut near his hairline and he pats at it distractedly with the already bloody white towel.

“You didn’t say where else Dariel hurt you,” I remind him.

“We heal fast,” he repeats.

My eyes narrow. “Yeah, you said that before, but that’s not what I’m asking you.”

A flicker of amusement fills his eyes. “Isn’t it?”

I wait for him to say more, but when he doesn’t, I take a step toward him. “No, it isn’t. Turn around.”

“And why would I want to do a thing like that?”

“Because—” I move to walk around him, but he turns, so he’s always facing me head-on “—you must be hiding something from me if you’re being this resistant to telling me. Something bad. And since I’m not seeing anything—”

“Exciting? Worthy of further exploration?” he interrupts, his smile lusty enough that he can only be talking about one thing. “You sure about that?”

“Kade, turn around.”

“Because I have to tell you, you might want to look a little harder, angel eyes.”

I go still at a nickname so beautiful I know he can’t be talking about me. “What?”

One corner of his lips lifts in a half-smile. “You like the name? Maybe you want to hear me growl it in your ear when I come inside you.”

I put a hand on his chest. It’s hotter than I was expecting. Harder too.

His face freezes at the contact, and I swallow back my desire as I force myself to meet his eyes. “Turn around.”

He searches my face for several seconds, and without a word, he turns.

I pull my hand from his chest, but when I glimpse the state of his back, I wish I hadn’t because the need to grab onto something before I fall sweeps over me.

A sick feeling churns in my belly, but that doesn’t surprise me. I’ve never gotten used to the sight of blood. It’s the anger that does. “What happened?”

My voice is so low it’s almost a whisper as I take in the deep, ragged claw marks lacerating Kade’s pale honey skin.

I feel him glance over at me, but I can’t look away from his bleeding and torn skin.

“I had to shift back to human once I got Dariel into his office.”

My breathing is too fast, so I work hard to steady it. “Why?”

“Funny thing, but hands come in handy when you have to pull doors closed.”

The dark amusement in his voice has me lifting my gaze from his back to meet his eyes. For a second I study him, and I don’t know what I want to do more. Snap at him to stop being so stupid about putting himself in a position where he could have been killed. For me.

Or kiss him. For the same reason.

That, or go up to Dariel’s office and throw a chair at his head.

I do none of that. Turning, I head toward the same first aid box Aden rummaged through before he bandaged my wrist.
