Page 14 of Wait in the Truck

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Apparently, he was a sleep talker.

Before stepping away, I brushed a few loose strands of hair across his forehead and trailed my thumb down to his jaw. He was so beautiful. Such a perfect, sweet boy.

The expression on his face changed, and I worried I had woken him, but his hips jutted forward, and he moaned softly with a dreamy look.

Oh, shit. This boy was having a sex dream.

My cock was instantly interested in learning more about Jesse‘s nighttime fantasies, but I felt like a creeper just standing over him as he slept. He deserved privacy, and I had to give it to him, even when I didn’t want to.

It wasn’t easy, but after a few more throaty sounds that definitely seemed to be indicative of a happy ending to his dream, I turned on my heel and left his room.

Besides, I suddenly had my own nighttime fantasies to work through.

After getting everything put away downstairs, I took Luna out back one last time and then headed up to my room. She took about two steps up the stairs before turning around and heading back to sleep with Jesse. Traitor.

She hadn’t slept with me once since I brought her home.

Knowing he was out for the night, I got undressed and slipped into my bed completely naked. My cock was already semi-hard, but as soon as I started thinking about the sounds and movements Jesse was making in his sleep, it became a solid rod that I couldn’t ignore.

At first, I loosely teased the head, tapping the glans around the outside and tip before fully stroking from the top to the base. It was still early, and I didn’t have to work in the morning, so I took my time, imagining what Jesse would look like in my bed.

Every time I got to the point of almost coming, I’d release my dick and let the moment pass, edging for a long while before finally being ready to give in. With the sound of his soft moaning still ringing in my ears, I began to stroke faster, no longer fighting the ache in my balls to finally release. With Jesse’s sweet face and trusting eyes vividly staring at me in my mind, I came abruptly, shaking hard and spewing load after load of thick cream onto my hand and belly.

Fuck, I needed that.

Too lazy to get up, I lay there for a moment, gently sliding my fingers across my slick belly as the tremors finally subsided.

Just as I made the decision to get cleaned up, Luna started barking from downstairs.

I’d never really heard her bark, so I was immediately nervous.

Without thinking, I hopped out of my bed and ran down the stairs, entering Jesse’s bedroom with enough adrenaline to eliminate any threat that was posed against him.

Luna stood over him, licking his face as he whimpered on the bed, still fully asleep.

I immediately went to his other side to wake him up. “Jesse, baby. Wake up.”

“Noooo…” He flailed on the mattress, crying out in terror. “Please don’t hurt me.”

My hands closed around his slight wrists to hold him in place and keep him from hurting himself or Luna. “Jesse, it’s me. Harris. No one is going to hurt you. Ever.” I shook him harder when his eyes still didn’t open. “Wake up, baby.”

Luna started barking again, and that seemed to finally break through to him.

Jesse’s eyes flew open, and he pulled back from me, pressing his back against the headboard as he adjusted to his environment. “Harris?”

Luna stepped over his lap and dropped right onto him, holding him in place as he tried to catch his breath.

“Yeah, it’s me. You were having a nightmare.” He and I both seemed to realize at the same moment that I was still completely naked, so I reached for a pillow and covered myself with it. “Sorry, I was in bed when I heard Luna barking. I didn’t stop to get dressed.”

He pulled the sheet up to his chest, wadding up the fabric between his fists. “I’m sorry for waking you. It was just so…real.”

“What were you dreaming? Unless you don’t want to talk about it.” I had a pretty good idea, but if he wanted to talk about it, I would be there to listen to him. “It might help you go back to sleep.”

He took a deep breath, and his shoulders relaxed. “Well, you were there…”

My jaw dropped as I thought about the fear in his voice. “I was hurting you?”

“No,” he said quickly. “That wasn’t you. The dream started out…good. I was here. And you were too. Anyway, in my dream, we went to sleep, and then… Bruce was there, and he had a gun.”

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