Page 22 of Wait in the Truck

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“Really? Actually, I am looking for a job, but I’ve never considered walking dogs. Does it require any experience?”

“Nah. Nothing more than what you already have.” He slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a business card. “Here’s my card. You can go to the website and sign up as a walker. Make sure you list me as your referral. I’ll let my uncle know to look for your application.”

The idea of making some money while playing with Luna and other dogs sounded pretty good. “What does it pay?”

“The hourly rate is about ten bucks per dog, but if you have a few dogs at a time, that adds up. Also, if the dogs are happy and well-exercised, most of the owners will give nice tips.” He waggled his eyebrows at me almost suggestively, but I thought he just had a playful personality. “At least that’s been my experience.”

I’d only ever worked in minimum-wage jobs, so $20 or $30 an hour sounded pretty good. And if I could handle more dogs, that would be amazing. “So, you’re getting paid $30 right now to be here?”

He smiled and shook his head. “I’ve got five dogs here.” Those two over there, these two lingering behind me, and Trooper.”

Trooper deposited his ball into the chucking stick again and waited for Jason to throw.

“Last time. We’ve got to get the girls home, old man.” He threw the ball, and Trooper went flying after it with Luna hot on his heels. Unfortunately for the old dog, Luna got to the ball first and headed back before poor Trooper even realized the ball wasn’t out there any more.

“Sorry about that. I definitely need to get her out here more often.”

“No worries. She can keep the ball. We’ve got to run anyway, but call me if you have any questions. And even if you decide not to apply for a job, I’m out here a few times a day, so if you ever wanna meet up, just let me know.”

“Thanks, Jason.” I waved as he ran to the end of the fence to rile up his canine crew. “I will.”

My smile was ridiculously wide as I continued playing with Luna. Not only had I possibly lined up a job that paid well, but I might’ve made a new friend. I’d never been good at making friends, and Jason seemed like a pretty normal guy.

When Luna finally got tired of fetching the ball and decided to investigate a set of beagles that had arrived, I fired off a text to Harris with a photo of the chucking stick.I think I need one of these.

I watched the response bubbles pop up immediately and then disappear, and I wondered if maybe he was mad that I was asking for something. I quickly typed out a follow-up text.You don’t have to buy it. I just mean, when I make some money, I’m getting one of these. Luna found a ball and it’s very slimy.I added a laughing emoji to make sure he knew I was joking around.

Oh, the plastic ball thrower?

Yeah. A dog-walker at the park had one, and he didn’t have to touch anything gross to play with his dogs.I snapped a picture of my muddy hand and sent it to Harris.Unlike myself.

Harris immediately responded back with a laughing emoji of his own.I’ll pick one up on the way home, unless you want to go with me to the pet store.

I wouldn’t mind going to the store. That could be fun.



“A chucking stick.” I shook my head and laughed at myself. “I’m an idiot.”

Cort flipped up his welding helmet and looked at me. “What are you laughing at? Am I on fire again?”

I glanced down at his pant legs to make sure then shook my head.

“Then what’s so funny?”

I flipped up my helmet too. I didn’t really want to get into this with Cort, but he knew about Jesse and was one of the few people I could be open with. “Jesse sent me a picture of some guy holding one of those ball launcher toys for dogs. He said he wanted one of those, and I thought he was talking about the guy holding the stick.”

Cort threw back his head and howled. “Damn, that must’ve freaked you out.”

“Kinda. I mean, he’s much closer to Jesse‘s age, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was interested in a cute little twink, but…”

Cort cocked his head and smiled. “But you love him, right? No-plans-to-let-him-go kind of deal.”

Was I that transparent? “Would it be weird if I said yes?”

“No, of course not. I’ve never seen you this happy before. I could’ve told you from day one that this kid was it for you.”
