Page 24 of Wait in the Truck

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Harris insisted on going on a proper date at least once a week. We’d both get dressed in nicer clothes than we wore during the day and either walked to a local place or drove downtown. It was always a fun way to catch up on how things were going and just enjoy being together.

My job paid me daily, including bonuses for picking up “drop-in” walks and accepting special requests, so I actually had a somewhat steady income coming in. For the first time in my life, I could buy stuff.

And other than Luna, I had no one to shop for but Harris.

“It’s just something little.” He didn’t seem like the sentimental type, but as soon as we sat down in the restaurant, I pulled out a small box and handed it to him. “It’s silly.”

He accepted the box and raised an eyebrow at me. “It’s not my birthday.”

“I know.” I wasn’t planning to remind him that it had been exactly one month since he saved me. It felt like a lifetime had passed since that fateful night. But everything changed for me once Bruce was permanently out of my life, and I wanted Harris to know how much I appreciated him and what he’d done for me. “But I saw it and immediately thought of you.”

His face was stoic as he carefully slipped the ribbon off the box and lifted the top. His breath hitched when he looked inside. “Jesse…”

I could feel the emotion radiating off him from across the table. There wasn’t an easy way to reach for his hand while he held the box, so I wrapped my ankles around his, locking him in place.

He looked up at me with a smile then lifted the silver keychain from the box. “‘World’s Best Daddy,’ huh?”

I nodded. “Yep. And look at the back.”

He turned it over and saw the photo of me and Luna etched into metal. “It’s amazing. I love it.”

Just holding him by the ankles wasn’t enough, so I scooted my chair around the table until I was right beside him, close enough for him to pull me against his chest in a tight squeeze.

“You’re amazing, Jesse. In every way.” He pressed his lips to my temple and held them for a moment before dropping his forehead there. “I love you.”

Now it was my turn to get emotional. My eyes immediately met his, and I could feel the sincerity in his stare. “I love you too.”

Harris leaned down and kissed me hard, crashing into me with so much heat that I was starting to sweat despite the cool restaurant air. “Do you want to get out of here?”

“Yes, please.” I vaguely heard him saying something to the waiter as he pulled out some cash and dropped it onto the table, but I didn’t pay attention.

Harris loved me. And I loved him.

We were in love.

Everything I’d been worried about seemed so insignificant now that we’d said the words out loud. Deep down, I felt his love every day. Everything he did for me screamed of it, but I was still waiting to hear the words. And now that I had, I wanted to give myself to him fully.

For weeks, I’d been trying to get more than the occasional handjob out of him, but he wanted to wait. Wanted to make sure I was ready to make a long-term decision. I’d been ready, but now he finally seemed to believe me.

Without saying it, we were rushing out of that restaurant to get home so we could fuck. I almost couldn’t walk because I was so hard, even though a tiny bit of me was scared because he was so thick. I’d only had sex with a handful of guys and none of them were particularly big. Not even close to what Harris was packing.

But I wanted to feel him tear me open and claim me as his. I wasn’t at all afraid that he wouldn’t be gentle or patient with me as I got used to him.

My Daddy always knew what I needed.

As soon as we were in the car, I reached for his hand and looked at his profile while he was driving. “We’re finally doing it, right? Tonight?”

Harris chuckled and pulled my hand to his lips to drop a kiss there. “Fuck, I hope so. My balls are so blue, I feel like that bubble gum girl from Willy Wonka.”

“Violet Beauregarde?” I busted up in laughter. “Did you actually equate your balls to giant blueberries?”

He just shrugged with a completely straight face. “I’m just warning you. I might need to triple bag it just to catch it all.”

“I’m not sure it works that way.” I rested my head on his shoulder. “We should have gotten tested, huh?”

Harris tensed and then shook his head. “Dammit, you’re right. I should have thought of that sooner. I’m sorry, baby. That’s my fault.”

I loved when he called me that. It was rare because he usually reserved that particular endearment for when I was upset about something, which wasn’t very often anymore. Other than the occasional nightmare or when I accidentally broke something, I was almost always happy. “I can make an appointment to see Tony, if you’d like.”
