Page 29 of Wait in the Truck

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“The table looks nice.” He had candles and a vase with cut flowers from the garden. “Did I forget an occasion?” Was it the anniversary of our first kiss…or maybe the first time he saw me naked?

“No occasion.” He pulled two slices off the pie and put them on a plate for me. Then he served himself before giving me his attention again. “I just. Well, I really love and appreciate you, and I wanted to make sure you know that. I don’t want to take you for granted. I’m lucky to have you, and I plan to do everything I can to keep you.”

I had no idea where this conversation stemmed from, but I reached for his hand and held it firmly in mine. “You’ve got me, baby. You know I’m not going anywhere. And I hope you never plan to go anywhere either.”

He sucked in a deep breath and then exhaled with a relieved smile. “Good.”

I watched him take a bite, but he still seemed anxious. “Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about something?”

He kept his eyes on his plate as he lowered his pizza. “It’s just that, I was talking to Jason today, and he was saying how you’re such a hot Daddy and he’d want you…and I needed to make sure to keep you happy.” He looked up at me with big eyes. “You’ll tell me if I’m not making you happy anymore, right? You’ll give me a chance to do better if you ever get tired of me.”

“Baby.” I pushed back from the table and held out my arm for him to come to my lap. “After the weekend we just had, I thought I’d made it clear that you’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a boy. You’re perfect for me. And I want to be perfect for you. If anything ever changes, we’ll talk about it.” I gently tugged his chin until he was looking right at me. “Right? We’ll talk about it like we are right now.”

“Yes, Daddy.” He nodded as he spoke, emphasizing his sincerity. “Thank you for not getting mad at me.”

I held him tightly, rocking him slightly against my chest. “I’ll never get mad at you for wanting to talk something out. Even if I don’t like what we’re talking about, I promise to always listen and do my best to understand.”

“Thank you.” He was just getting up from my lap when he got excited. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Jesse dropped into his chair and picked up his pizza, holding it right in front of his face without taking a bite. “Jason needs to see a doctor, but he doesn’t have insurance, so he’s working extra hours so he can afford it. Do you think Tony might be willing to see him?”

My head spun at the sudden change in topic, but I caught up to his new train of thought. “Yeah, of course. He’ll take anyone, whether they have insurance or not.”

Jesse nodded while he chewed. “Cool. Can I get his number?”

That annoying knot in my gut fluttered, but I didn’t let my jealousy show. I trusted Tony with Jesse. And more importantly, I trusted Jesse with Tony. “Of course. We need to make appointments to see him anyway.”

Jesse’s gaze was heated and a blush crept up his neck. “Yeah, let’s try to do that this week. Sooner than later.”

After we ate, Jesse took up his position on the couch, and Luna was quick to claim his body as her cushion. That dog was a cock-block like no other. But my cock was tucked away for the time being because I had other plans for the night.

“While I was out, I picked up something to show you how much I appreciate all your hard work here and with the dogs.” I pulled the Nintendo console out of the box and held it out to him. “I’m so proud of you, baby.”

“A Nintendo Switch?” He reached for it like it was made of gold and slowly turned it around in his hands. “For me? For real?”

“Yes, for you.” I gave him a kiss on the head then mussed his hair. He needed a haircut soon, but that was a topic for a different time. “You’re my good boy, and you deserve a prize.”

He cradled the game console to his chest and held back tears. “This is the best thing anyone has ever given me.”

That broke my heart but also made me proud to be the one to do it. “Your love is the best thing anyone has ever given me, so we’re even.”

He placed the box on the table and wrestled out from under Luna to stand up and kiss me hard.

Within seconds, we were a jumble of lips and teeth and tongues and moans. Apparently, my cock wasn’t tucked away as I thought because it stood at full attention, ready to be warmed up by Jesse’s hot little body.



Once the weather was nice, Luna and I started running in the afternoons. At first, it was just a way to get out her last bit of energy before Harris got home and we were inside for the night. But after the first few blocks of pain, I realized how much I enjoyed it. And after a month of nightly runs, I could stay out for an hour at a pretty quick pace without even breaking a sweat.

Okay, there was some sweat involved. Actually, a lot of sweat.

But I was stronger and healthier than I’d ever been, and life seemed to be getting better with every passing day.

Harris insisted on teaching me how to invest my earnings, but there was one critical thing I was missing to feel like a real and functional adult. I yanked open the lid to the mailbox and stuck my hand inside, hoping it was finally there.

The missing piece.

A stack of envelopes was nestled inside a folded catalog, so I pulled them all out and carefully checked each piece. Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill. Junk mail. Bill. And then I saw it. The letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
