Page 9 of Wait in the Truck

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Luna lifted her head, probably as eager as we were to get out of the truck. “Sorry, girl. You’ve got a few more minutes in here. Then we’ll walk, okay?”

She moaned and shifted her weight so Jesse could slip out from underneath her and exit the truck.

“We’ll be quick.” I gave her another treat before locking up the truck and heading inside.

Tony was standing at the door, holding it open as we approached. He took a look at Jesse from head to toe then raised an eyebrow at me.

“You should see the other guy.” I grinned at Tony and winked at Jesse when he turned to me with a slack jaw.

“I don’t think I want to…” Tony held out his hand toward the first exam room. “Right this way and we’ll get you checked out.”

He looked at me and then Jesse. “Um, how about we have Harris wait out here?”

I bristled at the suggestion but kept my features neutral so he wouldn’t feel pressured either way.

Jesse looked at me then back at Tony. “Yeah, okay.”

Damn. I was hoping he’d want me to go in with him. “I’ll walk Luna around the block and be right back. Call if you need me.” I was looking at Jesse as I spoke, but I was also letting Tony know I’d only be a few minutes, and I expected a full report when I returned.

“We’ll be fine.” Tony glanced over my shoulder to the truck outside. “Is Luna your dog? Bring her in when you get back. She can wait in here.” He nodded to the waiting area.

“Okay, thanks.” I wanted to stay and hear all the details, but I didn’t have that right. Not yet. Maybe not ever. That thought made my stomach tighten. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Begrudgingly, I left the office and went back to the truck. Luna was waiting for me with her slobbery face pressed to the window. I guess she was ready for breakfast.

I tapped the window and pointed at her to back up so I could open the door without her tumbling out. Her tail started to wag as soon as she saw me reach for her food and water bowls before filling them both up and placing them on the sidewalk. “Okay, girl. Let’s eat up so we can go potty.”

She hopped down and quickly finished her food before lapping up half the water in her bowl. I glanced inside to see if Tony or Jesse were there, but the lobby was empty. So, I put the leash on Luna, and we headed toward a park on the other side of the block.

We weren’t gone for more than fifteen minutes, but I was disappointed to find the lobby still empty when Luna and I went inside. I wanted to peek into the exam room to make sure everything was okay, but I knew that would be overstepping. Jesse had a right to privacy, and I was sure he’d tell me whatever diagnosis Tony shared with him.

I paced back and forth in front of the reception desk before the exam room door opened, and Tony poked his head out. “You want to come in here for a minute?”

“Um, sure. If that’s okay with Jesse.” I was already in the room, not waiting for an answer from either of them. “How’s our patient?”

Jesse smiled and held up his left arm, which was encased in a soft cast. “Just a hairline fracture.”

“Notjusta hairline fracture. Any fracture is serious, and this could easily become a full break if you aren’t careful with it.” Tony waited for Jesse to acknowledge what he’d said before turning to me. “I closed a few lacerations with dissolvable stitches, so he doesn’t need those removed, but I do want to check on his arm in four weeks if there isn’t any pain or additional trauma.”

“There won’t be.” I directed my stare to Jesse and his breath caught. “Everything else is okay?”

Tony glanced at the notes on his tablet and shrugged. “Lots of bruises, both new and old, but no tissue damage from the cold, so he should be good as new with some rest and a warm meal.”

Jesse’s stomach rumbled again, and his cheeks turned pink. “Yeah, I guess I am kinda hungry.”

I beamed with pride at him for being honest with me and Tony. “If we’re done here, we can hit Martha’s. Luna is all set, so she’s probably napping again.”

Tony handed me a few sheets of paper. “I gave him a couple Motrin and a prescription for something stronger. It might make him groggy or nauseous, so let me know if he needs anything else.”

I gave my friend a half hug for his help. “Thanks, man. I owe you big time.”

He grinned. “Don’t worry about it. I’m keeping track and plan to cash in big someday.”

As we were walking out, Jesse rushed forward to grab Luna’s leash, and Tony pulled me back for a second. “So, do I want to ask what’s going on with you two?”

“I don’t know that anything is, but I couldn’t not help him when I came across him last night.” I sighed and looked at the broken boy hugging my dog. “For now, I’m just focused on getting him healthy. Besides, every good dog needs a boy, right?”

Tony chuckled and patted me on the back. “Yeah, he seems like a good boy. Just make sure you know what you’re doing before making himyourgood boy.”
