Page 20 of Have Mercy on Me

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Jason stood in the doorway, holding Peaches with a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "Peaches is sorry too. But, if it makes you feel any better, I think that means he likes you."

Raising an eyebrow, I couldn't help but grimace at the irony. "I wish I could say the same about him."

With my shirt off, I turned to Jason and pulled him gently against me, relishing the warmth of his embrace. "You, on the other hand, I like very much. And I'm happy you're home."

He tilted his head, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and apprehension. "You mean at your home. Don't forget, I don't actually live here."

Teasingly, I continued to remind him that he practically lived with me, even though he wouldn't openly admit it. Although he went home in the mornings to grab fresh clothes, it seemed like a frivolous waste of money at this point. "Don't you think it's time we make your life easier by moving all your stuff over here?"

His breath hitched, a sign that he was both excited and nervous about the suggestion. "Isn't it a little soon? We haven't been together for very long."

I gazed into his eyes, my voice filled with conviction. "Do you see this ending anytime soon?"

He shook his head, moving closer to my chest and shifting Peaches out of the way. "No, I hope not."

"Then why wait?" I asked, my words carrying a sense of certainty that I felt deep in my bones. "There's no sense in delaying the inevitable."

Leaning in for another kiss, our moment was interrupted when Peaches took the opportunity to lick both of our lips before we could react.

"Ew, Peaches!" Jason exclaimed, his laughter filling the room. "I guess while he's here, I can't exactly leave you anyway."

"An excellent point." I kissed my boy again. My fondness of Peaches was growing with each passing second.

It seemed that this unexpected guest was bringing us closer together, in more ways than one.



Having a dog of my own turned out to be a lot more challenging than I had anticipated. Working with other people's dogs at the daycare was different. There was always an end to the day when the dogs would go home. But since we couldn't get in touch with Peaches' owner, he basically became mine, and that meant I was always on duty.

At first, Luna, our flunky service dog, didn't take well to Peaches. But to my surprise, he developed an instant attachment to her and followed her everywhere she went. While Jesse and I focused on training Luna to better use her service dog tricks, Peaches ended up learning some of the tricks as well.

One of the most useful things Luna did was to bring the cordless phone to us whenever it rang at the daycare. It took time to train her to be gentle and place it in our hands instead of dropping it at our feet. After a few replacement handsets, Luna understood what "gentle" meant and began passing them over without causing much damage. Sure, they were often a little slobbery, but both Jesse and I had gotten used to ending our days covered in slobber.

Peaches also tried to pick up this trick, but he didn't quite grasp the concept of retrieving. Being small, he couldn't fetch useful items like the phone, so he resorted to stealing small things like leashes and keys, hiding them away to make us search for them. Despite that mischievous behavior, he never peed on Tony again, which was a positive.

It was evident that Peaches was getting used to being part of our new family, especially with Tony. He was the early riser between the two of us, so he took Peaches out for walks every morning before I even woke up. Then he would have coffee and breakfast waiting for me once I finished my shower, allowing us to spend some quality time together before he headed down to the clinic and I set off to pick up the dogs I took with me to the daycare.

I could tell that Tony was enjoying being Daddy to Peaches just as much as he did with me. Well, maybe not to the same extent, but he was definitely having fun. He bought a new toy for Peaches almost every day and showered him with treats. We’d had a few discussions about the treats, but Tony still managed to sneak them to Peaches when I wasn't looking, just like he occasionally broke the rules with me.

He was just a big softy.

In the bedroom, Tony had begun experimenting with orgasm denial. There were times when he made me wait two or three days before allowing me to climax. It was an excruciatingly delightful experience, not just because the release was so much more intense when it finally came, which it certainly was. But because I knew that Tony was deeply attuned to my needs and desires.

He could sense when I was on the edge of losing control and knew when to ease up. But there were moments when he trusted me to hold on longer, pushing me to the limits. He was the only man who had ever challenged me in such a profound way, and it was exactly what I’d always wanted.

Tony's ability to understand me so intimately extended beyond the bedroom. He knew when to support and encourage me, even when I doubted myself. He was my rock, my partner, and the person who constantly pushed me to be the best version of myself. With Tony by my side, I felt invincible.

As our connection deepened, I couldn't help but envision a future together. A future better than I ever imagined possible for me, but one that felt exactly right. A sense of overwhelming gratitude washed over me. I was grateful for the incredible journey we were on and the incredible man who was sharing it with me.

He made it easy for me to believe that our love story was just beginning, with countless chapters yet to be written.



Jason and I were sitting on the balcony, enjoying our Sunday morning coffee, when a full-page announcement caught my eye in the local newspaper. It was an ad for the upcoming Spring Fling Festival, which had been a long-awaited event in our city.
