Page 22 of Have Mercy on Me

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Peaches was usually first in line for a brush down. Most of our little dogs hated being groomed, but this one was a bit of a diva, and he managed to sneak in three or four sessions each day. Luna, on the other hand, acted like she was being murdered whenever we ran a brush across her.

Fortunately, she had a short coat and didn’t actually need any grooming, so Jesse was lucky in that sense. Meanwhile, I had to work through knots on a daily basis because Peaches managed to squeeze through every small space and mat up her hair into a constant mess.

But we figured out all the details, and on the day of the festival, we had a huge banner, pens with our logo on them, and freshly baked dog treats we talked a local baker into making just for us.

“It looks great.” Jesse took a few steps back and snapped a photo of our booth. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

I checked my watch and moved my strawberry smoothie off the table and hid it on a box underneath. “Me either. Everything is in place. Now all we need are customers.”

The festival was about to open so I checked on Tony in his neighboring booth. “You need anything over here?”

“Nope.” He pulled me into his arms, and we swayed together for a moment. “Alice has everything all set up. We’ve got water and electrolytes and crackers and just about every other thing we might need.”

“It looks great, Alice.” Alice, Tony’s nurse, was organizing bandages and gauze packs.

“Thanks, Jason. Yours too.”

I glanced at the open space between our two main tables then turned back to Tony. “Are you sure you don’t need more of this area? We don’t need it all.”

He looked over my shoulder and shook his head. “No, we’re fine. The reclining chairs don’t take up much space, and if we get a run on patients, we’ll let you know. For now, take up as much space as you need.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” That was something I found myself saying more and more often. Mostly because Tony was always doing nice things for me. Bringing me gifts, making me food, allowing me to orgasm, and loving me. That was the thing I was most grateful for.

“Jason!” Jesse called to me, pulling me from my daydream. “Can you come here for a second?”

I sighed and looked up at Tony. “Duty calls.”

He kissed my forehead. “Go get em’, sweetheart.”

I rushed over to Jesse. He was standing with a young guy. Maybe just out of high school with curly hair and a wide build.

“Hey, there. Can I help you?”

Jesse waved to the guy. “Yeah, Jason, this is Billy. He’s Martin Rover’s son.”

“Martin Rover?” I looked between Jesse and the kid. “Peaches’ owner?”

“Uh, yeah.” The kid slipped his hands in his pockets. “My dad just finally told me what happened to Peaches. I thought maybe he died or had been rehomed, but he was drunk last night and told me about abandoning him with you.”

“Yeah, your dad’s a piece of shit.” I crossed my arms over my chest, not the least bit interested in his sob story. “Luckily, we found a new home for Peaches, so you don’t have to worry about him.”

“So, he’s safe? He’s not gonna be put to sleep or anything?” The guy was wringing his hands together in front of his waist, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation. “He’s in a good home now?”

I exhaled loudly, trying to be patient with this guy. It wasn’t his fault his dad was an asshole. “Yeah, he’s good now. He’s happy and safe.”

“Okay, thanks.” He stepped back and then glanced at the tray of treats on the table. “Um, by the way, who bakes these for you?”

I handed him a card for the bakery. “Carlos at Cake Time made them, but he doesn’t usually do dog treats. He was basically doing us a favor because he’s a patient at my…boyfriend’s clinic.”

I hadn’t called Tony my boyfriend out loud before and it was kinda…fun. Fun in the sense that I was proud to have a boyfriend as sexy and successful as my doctor. But also funny because I never really thought of him as my boyfriend.

He was just Daddy to me. But I couldn’t exactly say that in public.

Billy picked up a treat and gave it a closer inspection. “Well, um, I’m a pastry chef. Well, studying to become one. And, um, if you’re looking for a supplier of doggy treats, I could give you a great price.”

I didn’t really know how to respond to his offer, but Jesse jumped in and took over the conversation from me. “That sounds great, Billy. We’d love to talk some more about that. Take one of our cards, and give us a call next week. We’ll have more time then.”

“Yeah, okay.” He grabbed a card from the table and shoved it in his back pocket. “Thanks again. And…sorry.”
