Page 26 of Have Mercy on Me

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I was on the first round of poop scooping duty when I leaned over just a little too far and the back of my shirt pulled out of my jeans…along with the top of the ridiculous thong Tony made me wear.

“What is…” Jesse cackled first but Billy was giggling right there with him. “Dude, what are you wearing?”

I could feel my cheeks pinking up but this was my punishment and I decided to just own it. “What? This old thing?” I hooked my finger under the whale tail of fabric poking out of my jeans. “Just something pretty I like to wear.”

“Seriously?” Billy wasn’t laughing anymore. “You’re not…embarrassed?”

I was really embarrassed, but not for the reasons they thought. “I’m not ashamed, if that’s what you’re asking. I mean, I wasn’t planning to put on a fashion show or anything, but whatevs. Tony thinks it’s sexy. And it’s super soft against my balls. And the way it tugs against my ass is pretty hot…” I shrugged. “He thinks it’s punishment but I plan to do some punishing of my own when I get home tonight.”

Jesse nodded approvingly. “Hmm, maybe I need to ask Harris to buy me something soft and silky. He’d totally be into it.”

Billy just sighed. “That’s cool that you and Tony are so open with each other. I can’t imagine ever feeling confident enough to wear something…” He held up his fingers and made air quotes. “Sexy like that. But I think it’s really cool that you can.”

Again, I felt sad for Billy. He was super self conscious of his weight and had obviously never had anyone love him for who he was. He was only about thirty pounds heavier than me, but with his round baby face, he looked bigger than he actually was. Which not every man could appreciate. But I really hoped his perfect man would find him soon. He deserved to be as happy as Jesse and I were.

* * *

“Sit.” I held one of Billy’s bacon biscuits up for Kona. She was overly excited because, Roger, her bestie was here too. Normally, we let them run wild all day until they passed out in a cuddled up mass, but Kona had a broken nail, so she was supposed to stay mellow. It wasn’t an easy task to keep a hyper pup on her butt, but the biscuits helped. “Okay, good girl. Just…stay like that…forever.”

“Good luck with that.” Jesse said it softly from the other side of the yard, but that was enough to catch Luna’s attention, which got Peaches running toward them. And, of course, Kona had to follow.

“Thanks a lot, Jes. Now it’s your turn to carry her.” I’d been carrying her around for hours just to keep her from running, but my back was starting to ache. She only weighed twelve pounds, but they felt like a hundred after a while.

“I’ll carry that little cutie!” A familiar voice chimed in from behind me.

I turned and held my arms open. “Brody! How are you?” We’d met up a few times after meeting at Jesse’s place but he’d been kinda quiet since the wedding.

“I’m great!” He reached for Kona when she came running back to meet him and cuddled her to his chest. “Oh, she’s so cute! I hope we can get a dog soon.”

“We?” Jesse was suddenly by my side. “Who is this we you speak of?”

“Geo.” Brody dropped onto one of the loveseats we keep for guests and continued to pet Kona. “Well, George, but I’ve always called him Geo. We went to school together. Kinda an on-again-off-again situation. But, he’s back and he’s hot as hell…and he’s changed. He’s ready to settle down. I’ve been looking at houses to rent. Something with a yard and a garage so he can start a car flipping business. Anyway, if we get a place with a yard, I want a dog just like this little angel.”

“Wow, that’s great.” I glanced at Jesse and he was wearing the same skeptical look on his face that I wore on mine. “I’m happy for you. So, what do you mean when you say he’s changed?”

Jesse crossed his arms over his chest, standing in the same defensive stance I was in. “And why did you break up so many times?”

Brody kept his eyes averted as he shrugged. “He used to be a bit of a player. Never happy with one person for long. But he’s matured a lot since then. He’s like…perfect. And he wants to settle down with me.”

Jesse exhaled deeply then sat down next to Brody. He put his hand on Brody’s shoulder in a reassuring way. “We’re really glad you’re happy, but you might want to take things slow. If he has a history of cheating, he might not be the one for you.”

“No, he’s different now.” Brody held up Kona close to his chin and gave him a final cuddle. “Oh, it was so good to see you guys. I’ve got to get back to work. I just wanted to say hi before picking up lunch for the guys at the shop.”

“It was good to see you too.” Jesse accepted the dog as Brody passed her over.

“Don’t be a stranger!” He jumped up and headed toward the front door. “Let’s plan a couples game night soon. I want you to meet Geo. He’s not quite a Daddy yet but we’re working on it.” He waggled his eyebrows before blowing air kisses at us. “Toodles”

“Uh, wow. Your friend is very…energetic.” Billy was just getting a group of dogs together for some agility training. We’d just added it as a premium service and our customers were loving it.

“Yeah, and very naive. If he thinks this guy has changed, he’s gonna be very disappointed. Guys like that never change. And certainly not for someone they’d already cheated on over and over again.” Jesse had been in some bad relationships so he knew what he was talking about.

“I just hope he finds out Geo’s true colors before he does something crazy like buy a house with the guy.”

“Yeah. Most guys aren’t like yours.” He smiled sadly at both me and Jesse. “I just hope you don’t have the last two good ones.”

“We don’t.” I went to Billy and gave his arm a squeeze. “There are lots of good men out there. Hell, some of our single customers seem like good guys. You just gotta start putting out feelers and one of the good ones will snatch you right up.”

He laughed. “Right. I’m sure that’ll happen.”
