Page 4 of Have Mercy on Me

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Jesse and I sat in the shade and chatted for a few minutes before the first guests started to arrive. I let Jesse and Harris do their thing, but as soon as Dr. Hottie showed up, my eyes went straight to him.

He was wearing a light blue linen shirt over khaki shorts, and he looked delish.

Casually GQ and hot AF.

“Is that your man?” A guy around my age sat down with a plate of chips and salsa.

“I wish.” I looked at the guy, trying to place him. “Have we met?”

“I don’t think so. I’m Brody.” He balanced his plate on one knee and shook my hand. “I work with Harris and some of the other guys. He thought Jesse and I would get along, so he invited me here today.”

“Oh, that’s cool. I’m a new friend too, I guess. I’m Jason. I do dog walking with Jesse.”

He offered me a chip from his plate, which I was happy to accept. “Oh, cool. I love dogs. As soon as I get a place that allows them, I’m totally gonna get a beagle.”

I smiled, thinking of Ripley, one of my favorite customers. “Beagles are cute, but energetic as hell. You’ve gotta be really hands-on with them.”

He nodded as he popped a chunk of brie into his mouth. “Yeah, my mom had them when I was growing up. Maybe I’ll try to get an older dog that likes to chill and Netflix.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I need someone to ‘chill and Netflix’ with too.”

My eyes immediately sought out the doctor, and as my gaze worked its way up his body, I realized he was watching me too.

“Busted.” Brody chuckled. “Seriously, are you with him?”

“Naw. He’s my doctor.” I caught myself before over stating our brief relationship. “Actually, I just saw him once. He’s a doctor at a clinic downtown.” I chanced another peek in Dr. Tony’s direction before quickly looking away. “Although, I wouldn’t mind being his.”

Brody glanced back toward him, then waggled his eyebrows at me. “He’s still watching you. You should go say hi.”

My jaw dropped. “What would I say? I mean, I know what to say, but I tried flirting with him when I met him, and he wasn’t interested.”

Brody shook his head. “If you say so, but he’s definitely watching you.” Brody gasped and gathered up his stuff. “He’s coming over here. I’ll go get a drink and come back later if I see you alone.”

Before I could stop him, Brody scooted away toward the drink table.

Dr. Tony appeared in front of me. “Jason, how are you doing?”

“Hey, doc. Good as new.” I lifted my leg then pounded it on the grass a few times. “All healed up just like you said I would be.”

“Glad to see it.” He stood there for a second then cleared his throat. “Do you mind if I have a seat?”

“Not at all.” I gestured to the chair beside me. “I wouldn’t mind you doing anything you want.” I cocked my head and winked to drive home the point. “And I do mean anything.”

Tony laughed but seemed to see through my act. “Thanks, but I was just wondering if maybe you’d like to have dinner sometime.”

“Wait, seriously?” I looked around to see if maybe I was being punked, but no one else was paying attention to us. “You’re asking me out?”

Tony shifted uncomfortably in the seat and turned to study his beer. “Sorry, maybe I misread the signals. I guess you probably tease everyone that way.”

Suddenly, the snarky one-liners and obnoxious innuendo were lost on me, and I had nothing flirty to say. Really, I was just in shock. “No. I mean, yes.” Fuck, I was already messing this up. “What I mean is, I do flirt with everyone like that, but I was serious. And if you’re serious, I’d love to have dinner sometime.”

Tony held my gaze for a long moment, and then he smiled. “Well, then, I’m seriously looking forward to it. How about tomorrow?”



"I knew it." Brody nudged my arm playfully as we filled our plates with mouthwatering grub. "I told you he's into you. It's so obvious."
