Page 6 of Have Mercy on Me

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But Jason beat me to it, already pulling open the passenger door and sliding inside. “Hey, great timing. I was just about to check the mail.”

There was a metal bank of mailboxes on the other side of the lawn. “Do you need to go check it? I don’t mind waiting.”

He waved off the suggestion. “No, it’s just bills and junk. Nothing urgent.”

He twisted toward me and crossed one knee over the other, then clasped his hands together in his lap. “So, where are you taking me tonight?”

I pointed to the seatbelt still hanging behind him. “How about you put on your seatbelt, and then I’ll tell you.”

He rolled his eyes as if put out, but I could see a hint of gratitude in there. “Fine, whatever you say.”

“I liked the sound of that.” I winked when he glanced at me after snapping the seatbelt in place and then I turned on the engine. “How do you feel about Thai food?”

“I love it. That sounds great.” He reached for the vents and moved them, so the cool air was blowing against him.

“If you’re too hot or cold, you can adjust the temperature.” I pointed to the settings that controlled the passenger side. “I tend to run hot, so I usually have the air on.”

“Oooh, I love a man who runs hot.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “And the temperature is good for me. I don’t want to be sweaty before the night even starts.”

“Do you plan on getting sweaty tonight?” I flashed him a grin as I pulled out into traffic.

“I hope so. But I’ll let you take the lead on that.”

“Generous of you.” I reached over and patted his knee twice. “So, how’s your business going?”

“Awesome.” He sat a little taller as he explained the personalities and adorable traits of his favorite dogs.

By the time I parked at the Thai Orchid restaurant, I felt like I knew each of his dogs personally. “I’m glad you’re doing so well.”

Again, he didn’t wait for me to open the door. Jason quickly hopped out of the car and rushed toward the restaurant door as if trying to get there ahead of me.

I had a feeling it was all part of his act, but I wanted to establish some rules upfront. I didn’t mind him having a sassy personality and pushing boundaries, but I wanted him to know that some things were non-negotiable.

As he was reaching for the door, I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Jason.” My tone was low and quiet, and he froze immediately. “I’ll get the door.”

Both of his hands fell to his sides, and he took a step back, allowing space for me to open the door so he could walk inside ahead of me. As he did, he glanced up at me from beneath his long lashes, and there was definitely a smirk on his face. “Thank you.”

I merely nodded and followed behind him, placing my hand on the small of his back as we approached the lobby podium.

As we were walking to our table, he seemed hesitant, clamming up just a bit. I figured he was trying to determine if I was angry or annoyed.

But after allowing me to pull out his chair and scoot him back in, I leaned down and brushed a soft kiss over his temple. “Thank you for allowing me to be a gentleman.”

His grin immediately grew from timid to wide, and he relaxed again, back to his playful self. “So anyway, as I was saying before you went all Alpha Daddy on me, Jesse and I are thinking of starting our own business.”

I really wanted to stop him and pursue the Alpha Daddy comment, but he was so excited to talk about his new business venture that I didn’t dare interrupt him. “Please, tell me all about it.”

And he did. In extensive detail. If Harris was getting half of the information about their plans as I just did, I didn’t know why he wasn’t already an investor.

“That sounds really exciting. I’m proud of you and Jesse for putting together such a well-thought-out plan. I’m sure it’ll do very well around here. People love to pamper their pets.”

“Yeah, I hope so. There are a few things we’ve still got to work out, but I think we’ll get there in the next few months. Anyway…” He flipped open the menu and ran his finger down the first column, browsing as he went. “Everything here looks so good. I have no idea what to order.”

Again, I felt like he was testing me. Or maybe I was just projecting how I wanted him to be around me. “Would you like me to make a suggestion?”

He bit his lower lip and nodded. “If you want to.”

“Well, Pad Thai is one of my favorites, but if you’re looking for something more adventurous, how about Tom Kha Kai.”
