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The noise of the ongoing celebration is muffled by the protective walls around us.

"You didn't have to leave because of me," Caleb says, stifling a yawn and trying to shake off the sleep that's clearly settled over him.

"Don't be ridiculous," I say playfully. "What sort of alpha would I be if I let my mate fall asleep on his feet? Especially when we've got a perfectly good bed right here."

He grins at me. "I'll make it up to you in the morning."

I nuzzle his neck, inhaling his scent as I run my nose along his jaw. "There will be plenty of time for that later."

He leans into my touch, closing his eyes in contentment. "Thank you."

"For what?" I tilt my head, wondering what he’s referring to.

"Everything." His smile makes me melt as I hold him tightly. "For making me feel welcome here. And for bringing me home."

I scoop him up and carry him to the bed.

Caleb tries to protest, but he's too tired to truly mean it.

I lay him down gently and help him kick off his shoes. As I tuck the blankets around him, he catches hold of my hand.

"You're going to sleep with me, right?" He looks up through tired eyes and smiles. "I don't want you to sleep so far away again."

I gently kiss the back of his hand and continue tucking him in. "Yes, of course. I just want to start a fire first, and then I'll be right back. Okay?"

He reluctantly lets me go.

I've barely crossed the room before I hear his soft snores.

Kneeling by the woodstove, I start to build a fire. As I wait for the flames to catch, my thoughts wander to the previous night. The discussion that Caleb and I had as we sat before the fire together. So much has changed since then.

Does he still feel the same way he did then? Do I?

While I'm fully committed to this relationship now, I can't help but wonder about everything else. What does our future actually look like?

I exhale heavily and focus on the fire. I'll talk to Caleb about it some other day. For now, there's no reason to ruin a perfect night with pointless worrying.

* * *

A gentle knock on the door stirs me from sleep. Groaning in protest, I reach for Caleb. The warmth of his body is soothing in my arms as I bury my nose in his hair and inhale his scent, willing whoever is at the door to just go away and leave us in peace.

But whoever it is won't be denied. The knocking persists, and eventually, I wake enough to recognize the voice of my mother.

"Coming." I drag myself from beneath Caleb's arm and stumble to the door.

My mother is holding a tray of food in her hands. She looks expectant, but she's smiling.

I step outside and close the door behind me. "Caleb's still asleep."

"I know," she replies. "I brought breakfast. I thought you two might be starving after last night."

My mother flashes me a knowing grin as she hands the breakfast tray off to me.

I don't know whether to be grateful or mortified. "Thanks." I manage to smile.

"I'm going back to the house," she says as she recedes down the steps of the front porch. "Your father and the others are making sure everyone else gets back home." She glances in the direction of the smoking remnants of the bonfire. "We'll get all this cleaned up. You two can just relax and take it easy today. I'll be back later with lunch."

"Mom…" I want to protest, but I quickly think better of it. "Thank you."
