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Leaning forward, he kisses me gently as I reach up and caress his cheek, deepening the kiss. His lips are sweet and salty from the bacon. His kiss is warm and accepting.

Caleb presses into my touch eagerly. His tongue probing and licking before I pull back to catch my breath.

"Are you ready for this?" he murmurs, looking into my eyes.

"More than you know."



For the first time since I arrived here, I'm completely alone.

Jordan has gone to Seattle to spend some much-needed time working on his app. Meanwhile, I've got nothing to do. Nowhere to be. No one to talk to.

I am completely without purpose and starting to feel forgotten.

It's been almost a week since the bonding ceremony. During that time, we spent nearly every moment of every day together. It was a magical experience. But now...

I take a deep breath as I sweep the wooden floorboards for the tenth time today. There's nothing else to do, so I've been cleaning the cabin with some supplies I borrowed from Jordan's mom. But it's not that big of a space, so there's only so much I can do before I run out of work.

It's not even noon, and Jordan said he probably wouldn't be home until late, if he even comes back tonight at all. He warned me that sometimes he gets so caught up in work that he just crashes on the sofa in his office when he gets tired.

What am I supposed to do with myself?

The question echoes in my mind over and over again. I'm used to being busy and constantly surrounded by people. Back home, I had a job to occupy me during the day. It was among humans, but it was still something I enjoyed doing and gave me a chance to interact with people. Now there's no one to talk to but the wildlife that wanders into the yard. Sometimes, I see a deer or a flock of birds, but most of the time, it's just me.

I rest the broom against the wall and wander over to the window that overlooks the creek. It really is beautiful. The scenery, the clearing, the forest, it's all so picturesque. Sometimes, I wake up and pinch myself to make sure I'm not still dreaming.

But right now, it makes me feel homesick.

I should consider myself lucky that I have such a gorgeous view right outside my bedroom window, but it's hard for me to appreciate it when I feel like I don't belong here. Like I'm living in someone else's house.

I slowly turn and look at the cabin with a critical eye and a different attitude.

This isn't someone else's house. This is my house. This is where I live with my alpha. Despite the fact that it's just a building with four walls and barely any personality.

And that’s something I know how to fix.

I used to work in a home-improvement store, and I learned so many things while working there. Attended classes that they hosted and have used those skills while helping out around the trailer park, doing various repairs and projects to help the tenants out.

Unfortunately, I don't have any tools on hand, but Jordan's parents told me that I was welcome to use anything in the shed near their cabin. I’m not sure what they have, but I saw a bunch of stuff just sitting there and collecting dust. Might as well put it to use.

Steeling my resolve, I quickly put on my shoes and jacket then head out.

As I follow the trail that leads through the woods away from the cabin, I realize it’s the first time I've been outside by myself since I arrived in Washington. Even during the night of the bonding ceremony, I wasn't truly alone during the chase.

Jordan was always nearby.

Inhaling the scents of the forest, I try to familiarize myself with my surroundings. This is supposed to be my home now, so I need to stop comparing it to where I came from and start making an effort to fit in. Birds flit through the trees around me, singing their various songs in a melodic chorus. A rabbit darts through the ferns, and it takes considerable effort not to give in to the urge to chase it.

The walk to the cabin is longer than I thought, but I'm grateful for the exercise. The leisurely stroll gives me plenty of time to think about the plans I have for the cabin now that I’ve decided to take action.

Diana is outside, hanging up laundry on a clothesline as I approach. Her face brightens when she sees me, and she waves excitedly. "Caleb! How are you, sweetie?"

I wave back at her and smile. "I'm good. And yourself?"

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