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A smile touches my lips. My heart feels lighter than it has all day, and any uncertainty I had about my decision to head home has completely evaporated. There should never have been any doubt in my mind about going home to see my family. This app, as important as it is to me, means nothing without them.

They're the whole reason I've done any of this. If I don't make time for them, then what’s the point?

* * *

Caleb is sitting on the front porch of my parents' cabin with my mom when I park the car. The porch light casts a cheery glow across the yard despite the fact that the sun has long since set. The two of them seem to be chatting excitedly about something.

"I'm sorry I'm so late." My apology tumbles out as I approach the steps. "Traffic was hell getting out of Seattle."

"Don't worry." Caleb rises from his chair and stretches lazily. "Dinner's kept warm in the oven."

"Your father just got home anyway," Mom assures me. "He's still in the shower. Apparently, he spent the day dealing with some sort of septic tank repair. He didn't want to talk about it, but he reeked to high heaven."

My nose wrinkles at the thought. Yet another part of my father's job that I don't envy. He does so much work helping out the rest of the pack that he often winds up in...undesirable situations. But he genuinely seems to enjoy helping everyone. He takes his leadership responsibilities seriously, and I respect that about him.

Caleb greets me with a quick kiss as I reach the top of the porch steps.

"So, what was that picture you sent me?" I look sidelong at my mother as she climbs to her feet.

"Oh, that was nothing," Caleb assures me. "Just a little project we decided to spend the day on." He gives me a coy smile that tells me I won't be getting anything more out of them right now.

When we get inside, my father has just emerged from the bathroom, freshly washed and dressed in clean clothes. His face is still red from the heat of the water, but he seems refreshed. His eyes are twinkling, and there's an odd spring in his step.

"Did you put your clothes in the washing machine?" Mom asks him with a careful frown.

"Of course, dear," he says, rolling his eyes. "Now, I'm absolutely starved."

"My ravenous wolf." Mom grins as she starts to set the table. "Caleb is an incredibly talented cook. He's truly the mastermind behind all this."

"Diana..." Caleb groans in protest. "I didn't do that much." It's amazing to watch him help her lay out the meal without a second thought. My mother has always been an adamant guardian of her kitchen. She rarely lets anyone else cook in it without careful supervision. It is her domain and always has been.

But she seems perfectly at ease with Caleb as he moves throughout and gathers various items for the meal they've been preparing.

"Nonsense," Mom insists. "Jordan, you need to get this boy a kitchen as soon as possible. His talent deserves its own place to prepare meals."

"Jordan has a lot on his plate." Caleb gestures to a place at the table that's clearly meant for me. "Besides, I've already got a plan for that, remember?"

Mom and Caleb share a conspiratorial look that makes me chuckle in amusement. Whatever these two have been up to today, I'm glad. I was so worried that Caleb had been sitting at home, alone, with nothing and no one around. But seeing the relationship he's already forming with my mom makes me feel a little more confident.

"Alright, enough chatter," Dad says as he takes his seat. "Let's eat. I'm starved."



I push the front door open with a flourish. "Well, what do you think?"

Jordan steps into the cabin with an appraising eye. His lips slowly spread into a grin as he looks around. "You did all this today?"

I look around the room. "'s not as much as I wanted to get done." We found several cans of off-white paint in the shed that weren't completely dried out. By mixing in a little bit of water, we were able to whitewash the boring plank walls of the cabin. Now, the room is brighter and feels more open while the visible wood grain keeps that rustic vibe.

"This is impressive," Jordan says with an approving nod. "Mom's right. You're amazing." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

I chuckle and let myself melt into his embrace. Hearing his praise fills my heart with joy. I hoped he would like it, but I've been secretly worried that he'd hate everything about it.

"I made a decision today," I tell him as he closes the cabin door and starts to pile his things on the table near the woodstove.

"What decision is that?"

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