Page 30 of Master Campania

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The silken redsheets surround me, keeping my skin cool although my body is still flush from Campania’s touch throughout the night and into the day. The long velvet drapes block out any traces of the sunlight, something I’ll need to become accustomed to with Campania as my mate.

I slip into the robe he left for me at the end of the bed, swallowed by the enormity of the size intended for Campania and not for me. I lift it in the middle to keep it from dragging along the marble tile as I make my way through the massive estate and down the curved stairs following the sound of his agitated voice into what looks like a home office.

He stands with his cell in his hand, dressed in jeans that hug him just right from behind. Campania senses me in the room and turns, smiling at the hot mess that I must look. His long-sleeved black shirt and leather vest fit him perfectly, showing off the rippling of his arms. His black boots don’t make a sound as he closes the distance between us and continues to talk on the phone. “Descallia wants this ended for good. He’s tired of us running defense, always trying to protect ourselves, the vampire community, and the humans from the terror of their ways. We’re going to have to come up with a plan tonight that surrounds them and doesn’t let even one of the fuckers get away.”

Campania disconnects and gives me a smirk. “Nice outfit, but I preferred the one I left lying in my bed. Soft and silky with everything absolutely bare.”

My cheeks grow hot, but he kisses me on the lips, and my embarrassment is forgotten as my core heats. He smiles at me. “Patience, my sexy little enchantress.” He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen where the smell of bacon and eggs permeates the entire room.

I inhale the aroma of all the mingling smells. “I’m ravenous; breakfast at dusk, what a novel idea,” I tell him, for the first-time glancing at a clock on the wall to see what time it is after a night and day in bed doing nothing but exploring and enjoying each other.

He laughs. “I thought we’d ease you into the time change gradually. Sleeping on and off all night and day should help. We can eat breakfast, and then I need to get moving shortly after.”

I take a seat at the wood table with enough room for eight people, selecting a seat in the middle as one of his house employees brings us each a heaping plate, along with a bowl of fresh fruit. She goes back to the kitchen and gathers two cups and a carafe of coffee and brings them to the table. Campania gives the young woman a smile. “Thank you; that will be all for now.”

She tidies up while we eat, and I wait until she leaves before turning to Campania. “When we leave.”

He looks up from his food, mid bite. “Hmm?”

My eyes narrow at the vampire who thinks he can mince words and play dumb with me. “You said whenyouleave tonight. What you meant was whenweleave, right?”

He puts down his fork. “No, that’s the exact opposite of what I meant. I want you safe, at home, and where you will be protected, enchantress.”

I suck in a breath and push my food away, having had plenty for now. “That’s what I thought you said, but that’s not okay with me. Look, what happened the last time you and Descallia left us on our own? We’re much safer together than we are apart; can’t you see that?”

His eyes flash red. “I’m not putting you in the middle of a war with the rogue vampires. They’re ruthless and will try to kill anyone and everyone close to any of the masters. Have you not heard what happened to Lucianna so many centuries ago? None of the vampires want that to happen to their mates, Willow. The answer is an absolute no.”

The electricity that’s been building flows through my body, crackling and zipping. “Maybe that’s how your overmaster felt before, but things have changed. All the females are going to Rome and probably even going to Sardinia together along with their mates now.

He narrows those eyes at me and takes a drink of his coffee. “Just how do you happen to know that, Willow?”

Campania thinks he’s so smart. “I just talked with Lucianna. Overmaster Descallia is taking her, Embry is going against protests by Lucas, and she said Delilah, Angel, and Raven will be coming too. So all the females are going, Campania. I don’t want to be left behind.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “If they will all be with us, it won’t be safe for you to be alone. Against my better judgment, you’ll come with us, but this time when we’re in the enemy’s territory, you won’t leave my side; you’ll be right next to me no matter how bloody the battle gets. Is that clear?”

I try hard not to smile, but it’s impossible when my insides are bursting with joy. “It’s clear as a bell. I don’t want to be away from you. Besides, look how many shifters I took out all by myself? I can help you and the vampires, especially if Raven will be there too.”

His voice deepens. “You’ll stay by my side and do as you’re told, enchantress. Okay?”

My stomach bubbles with the excitement, fear, and anticipation of battling by his side against a rogue bunch of bastards who want to do harm to the one I love, and threatens the very way of life that all the under dwellers and humans live. “I’ll stay by your side. You won’t have to worry about me. I promise.”

Campania doesn’t look convinced, but I can help, all of the females can, especially if we put all of our powers together. “I should tell you something about Devora. I don’t think she ever really wanted to make true amends with the vampires. Perhaps there’s just been too much bad blood between them for so many centuries that it’s hard for them to put it all aside.”

Campania doesn’t look as surprised as I thought he would. He strokes my hair as he looks down at me. “That’s what I meant by keeping our enemies close. People don’t change overnight, Willow, but in her case it’s hard to tell because of the spell that was placed on her. But, Descallia wants to give her the benefit of the doubt; he thinks she’ll come around and partner with the vampires instead of the rogues and others who want to threaten the harmony of our life.”

“She told me that she only cared about the witches.”

He nods. “I know, but if she really cares about the witches, then she’ll be forced to partner with us. No matter the reason, Devora may not even know it yet, but she’ll stand by our side.

I laugh. “You have way too much confidence, vampire!”

He lifts me into the air, gives me a kiss, and then finally allows my feet to touch the floor. “Go and get ready if you’re going with us.”

Campania doesn’t have to tell me twice. I rub the magic wand in my pocket, and my clothes, sparkly backpack, and all are ready to go because from now on, whether the likes it or not, where he goes, I go.

He shakes his head, although he can’t quite hide the grin that threatens to peek through his otherwise stern countenance. I follow him into the kitchen, and he reaches into the refrigerator pulling out two quarts of blood. He drinks one down and opens the other while I watch in fascination. “You drink from the refrigerator and not from your mate?”

Campania grins. “Well, that depends on how playful we get in the bedroom, enchantress.” His cell beeps, and he looks down. “We need to head out soon. I want to spend some time with Sardinia on a plan before the meeting tonight. There’s a nice living quarters there, and you can rest, read, or just relax while I work.” He leads me to the lower level and a large closet that acts as an arsenal of weapons of many shapes and sizes. Shrugging into a dual-sleeved chest vest, he places his black leather jacket on top of that. Campania places two black leather-wrapped daggers into their slots and dons a hip holster for the long sword and wielding blade he arms himself with. “Now you, enchantress,” he says, selecting a dual chest vest and assisting me to put it on. He gestures to the row of daggers hanging in a row from their slots on the inside of the door.
