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¨Outside with an ax and a massive fallen tree branch. That’s what I mean.¨

¨I was hoping you learned that you needn’t do a thing.¨

She squints her eyes at me before proceeding to chop too close to her fingers for my liking.

¨You really feel like you have to earn your keep here?¨

¨Joaquin… I’m in your house for day two and probably night two, and who knows about tomorrow. I have to figure out how to pay you back.¨

If she only knew of the ways she could if she really, really wanted to. But I’ll keep those ideas inside my head for my bedtime. My god, her mouth is so pretty and pouty, as if begging for a kiss.

I keep my gaze down and clear my throat, ¨No need to try and make you see it my way.¨

¨Please. Just chill and enjoy the food I have planned for you.¨

¨Didn’t know you were a cook yourself?¨ I tease.

¨I’m sure it’s not as outstanding as yours, but I will say I’m trying my best.¨She gives me a toothy smile, revealing how white her teeth are.

I swallow my pride with how I like things done in my home and try to surrender to the fact that this beautiful woman is trying her best to make me a good meal. Somehow the roles have switched, and I wonder why I deserve this.

Chapter 5


Joaquinlovesit.Ican tell by his big forkfuls and his tense eyes. I knew I paid attention to Leila’s cooking while growing up to pull off a decent meal. Leila was my father’s cook. She came in three times a week to cook us home-cooked meals. She worked for several stars, and since my dad was a well-liked assistant director in Hollywood with a gift of gab, he was able to score small luxuries for us. Leila was from St. Lucia, and I learned a handful of ways to properly spice up food that isn’t typical here in the States.

¨Spicy!¨ Adam gives me a smile.

¨I hope not too much,¨ I worry.

¨No. A lot of flavor.¨ Joaquin corrects as he picks up his chicken with his big hands.

I did it. Island seasoned chilled veggies that I rested in vinegar, juicy chicken, and corn I used on his outdoor back patio grill with sliced plum on the side. Nothing too crazy or gaudy but uniquely different enough that I’m now staring at our empty plates and satisfied eyes. Adam is so adorable; he was my sous chef and has been rooting me on even if Joaquin has been too much of a tight ass to allow me to give him a little something in return. He loves playing this Superman role of savior, provider, and nurturer so much that my stubbornness to help bothers him greatly. He probably feels like he doesn’t need a woman’s help. He’s already revealed some misogyny with his questioning last night.

¨Glad you two liked it.¨

¨Very delicious, Nadia!¨ Adam shouts, nearly scaring both his father and me.

¨Calm down, Adam.¨ Joaquin wipes his chin and sips his chilled beer.

¨I have a small generator I pulled in. We can use it for a few hours. I’m sure you’re going to need some power for your phone.¨

My eyes light up. He has no idea how much joy that gives me.

¨Really?¨ I nearly squeal. Actually, I think I just squealed.

¨Yes. Really.¨

¨This entire time, and you bring it up now?¨

¨I would rather preserve it because it’s small. I’m unsure when our power will be restored, so it’s best to be frugal with our usage.¨

He has a point there. He stands up and starts removing our plates. I get a buzz of excitement as it hits me that I’ll be able to stay in contact with my grandmother. I also need to send my agent a few emails. She knows I’m stuck at some stranger’s house due to the storm, but I’m hoping she’ll send me the research she has for me. She had one of her interns compile information about my grandmother from other celebrities. Much needed research for me to shift through to see what can be used as quotes and other material for my grandmother’s memoir. I’m used to keeping busy that being told to hold still or just be makes my mind run too wild. I have to keep my head filled with something, or my imagination will create all kinds of distracted stories. Like the one I have of exploring different parts of Joaquin than his beautiful eyes.

¨Can we play Uno or something?¨ Adam says.
