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“I don’t think I’ve been that much of a stickler.” I nudge him.

He caresses my elbow gently and blesses the side of my neck with a sweet kiss.

The ease I feel for making this choice. My third eye would be pulsing if I decided to go to Dubai. After I told Joaquin I wanted to be a family, the most challenging thing was telling Simone. Naturally, it was tough for her to understand how someone so hungry to make a “mark in this world” would decide to stay planted in Evergreen to start a family. The thing is, I know the world is still my oyster. Life is fresh and new, and the best thing that has happened to me is finding genuine love without even asking for it. Being able to receive what the universe intends for me to do at its very moment.

“If we have no choice but to receive the ugly when bad things happen to us, then why the hell should we keep ourselves from receiving the beauty when good things happen to us.”

Ha, that’s a quote from Nonna that’ll be found in the last chapter of her memoir, ‘In The True Green.’

I just finished a beautiful biographical book about my headstrong Nonna, who succeeded above her big dreams. But, her dream of having a family is only reflected through my mother and me and now, us.

I lift my head and hear Adam holler, “Who are they over there?”

I figured Nonna was trying to surprise me with a giant cake or some gaudy gift that’d cause everyone to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over.

What I am not expecting to see is my Dad with some woman wearing blue sunglasses and a huge sun hat.

“Who are —”

“Oh my god!” I cut Joaquin off, watching my father wave directly at me.

The woman with the hat covers her mouth with her hands. And then it dawns on me. Those ankles, just like mine. Those knees, just like mine. The loose brown curls that hang below her hat, just like mine.

My heart races as Joaquin feels the wild excitement rush through me. He drops his arm from around me.

“Mom?” I holler.

She nods profusely as a huge smile spreads across Dad’s face.

“And me too!” He yells.

The entire yard bursts into laughter as I lift my long yellow summer dress and dart toward them.

“Be careful, Nadia!” Nonna hollers.

Mom opens her arms and meets me in the middle. There’s no way the cheesiness of this moment is as intense as its joy. We collide into a tight hug. Tearful gasps and rocking takes us over. I can not believe she is here.

“What?” I pull back as Mom yanks her sunglasses off her face.

“Well! I have to come to Evergreen to visit my baby girl, who is having a baby girl!”

Dad wraps his arms around me.

“Congratulations, sweetie. As soon as I heard the news. I couldn’t hold back. I had to call your mother. Had to!”

“Oh, I understand, Nadia. You probably have plenty of reasons why you didn’t reach out, but now’s the time to celebrate this life that will be. I’m taking a hiatus and staying with Mom for a year!”

“What?” My hands are mush. I need to gulp something down.

“Here! Come!” I find myself standing between both my father and mother.

I grab each of their hands and lead them forward to the rest of the garden.

“You have to meet everyone.”

“Well, first, I need a hug from my daughter.” Nonna rushes to Mom as I watch them embrace.

“Dad…this is Joaquin. Joaquin, this is my father.”

“Wow. If I hadn’t known better, I’d say she plucked you out of LA. A pleasure to meet you. You are free to call me Paul.” Dad leans in, and the men of my life hug each other.

I swear this entire day reminds me of one of my favorite meditations. Just like the day I was driving in the vicious thunderstorm that started everything. I transformed myself into smelling my Nonna’s pies, able to taste them in my mind’s eyes. I used all my senses to establish a safe and loving space.

And here I am. Surrounded by gorgeous flora and fauna, hearing Nonna’s laughter, watching little Adam run around yelling, “What is happening?” He’s genuinely as excited and joyous as I am right now. My literal parents are here with me to celebrate the gift of life in me.

And, Dear God, that man. My Joaquin. He was such an attractive lonely grump living an isolated life, still broken from his past relationship, now finally free from that old pain. And he’s all mine. So much of all mine that we have courthouse plans this fall. Yup. Nonna’s not the only one with surprises. And no one will convince us to have a wedding. Regarding weddings, I’ve adopted my future husband’s wisdom of learning “to just be.” I don’t need or want a fancy wedding or any. Well, maybe a backyard celebration. Ha!

Also, I am finally free from the nagging pain in my forehead, satisfied knowing there is a season for everything, and my god, this season, I am choosing love.

The End.
