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“Cola, don’t bite your nails. You’re still doing that, huh?” Alex takes a step forward and yanks my hand from my mouth.

“Please! Stress is expected.” I hide my hands behind my back.

“Not worth causing yourself harm. You’re a work of art; no need to scuff it up.” He says with a trembling voice.

“Are you still free of tattoos?” He asks, scanning me over.

“Yes. But, what’s it to you?”

“You answered. Thank you.”

I roll my eyes. He was ecstatic when I was twenty-three, and told him I wouldn’t be caught getting a tattoo. And that’s because I’m scared of needles, nothing to do with trying to keep my body clean due to some twisted Kardashian statement. However, he loves a “pure body,” although I know there’s no such thing.

“Alright, well, we can talk about —-“

“You’ll join me on my balcony.” He cuts me off before he turns to open his door.

He gives me no choice. As much as I probably should wait until after a good rest, knowing my family’s possible capabilities frightens me enough to talk about it now.

I tiptoe through his room which is almost as beautiful as mine. The sturdiness of the beds alone, minus the intricate details in the headboards and pillars, is enough to declare wealth. The feel of the plush carpet beneath my feet can make me bend my knees, fall down and fall asleep.

I step out to the early hours of London morning. His balcony doesn’t have as beautiful a view as the bedroom he’s given me, but it gives us a pretty patch of pale blue sky.

“We need to figure out how to silence your brothers. Their language is getting to you. Do your texts come up as ‘Read’?”

“No. They texted me through WhatsApp, so it does, right? The two check marks?”

“I’ll give you a new phone later today so you can contact and upload whoever you need minus them. Respond to them on your regular phone. Let them know you have a brief negotiation with me that’s only for your benefit and that you don’t plan on seeing me anymore while here. Make it sound believable. I know how damn passionate you can be, so use it in your favor.”

He doesn’t look at me. His eyes are cast up at the sky. I follow his gaze.

“It’ll buy us a little time. I think they want to scare you. Make you bend to their ways. It’s all about control with the Costas. Let them think they have it.”

Alex is not lying about the control part, but I despise how quick he’s come up with this scheme.

“Sure. I’ll respond after I rest.”

“The longer you wait, the more time they have to plot their step two.”

“It’s midnight in New York.”

“Even more reason. They’ll sleep content thinking you’re on the same page.”

“I think I’ll just wait until the morning.”

“Why?” He flashes his dark eyes at me, rigid and on the brink of brewing.

“It’s not all that serious and—-“

“You were about to ruin your nail beds thinking about it!”

“Alex, pipe down! We both need sleep.”

Sighing, I turn to depart, but he grips my shoulder and spins me around like a rag doll. I catch my balance and composure, pressing my bare feet against the marble balcony, my eyes wide and surprised by his strength.

I glance up to meet his eyes, but his mouth opens, pulling mine into his. The hunch to let go dissipates as his heat lures mine to the surface. His mouth has wizard power, and so do his hands as they hold either side of my face. His peppery aroma, steeped in ravenous desire, encircles us like a spell. Embracing his lust was always so easy to do, and even after eight years, I fold into the young woman who wanted him until my very final days.

Why does my body want this?
