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“It’s almost been twenty-four hours in this city, and the amount of shifts I’ve encountered is wild.¨

I thought feeling Alex again for the first time in over eight years was the cherry on top. Don’t get me wrong, I ´m not here to rekindle that deceptive love, but getting off this morning fulfilled a much-needed thirst. However, the flutter I get from hearing about the kids of my studio getting recognition is overwhelmingly beautiful.

¨Thank you. It’s all I can say right now.¨

¨I don’t hold broken promises, and I promise to deliver.¨ He smiles, showing his straight white teeth.

And as expected, a text from Mateo floods in. I can’t open it, although I can see the very first line.

You’ll regret this sooner than later and…

I may have to get Mom involved. From time to time, Mateo will choose to listen to Mom, although it’s not guaranteed. If she had balls, then, of course, he would.

Less than ten minutes later, after Simon has told me about every single art show or art event scheduled for children this summer, Alexander Masters breezes through the door looking casually dapper. Sporting khaki pants, and a classic blue polo shirt with one pricey belt, he rubs his chin when he spots me, flashing his blue sparkly watch. He gives me a wink before his face tightens up as he moves closer, seeing a strange blonde-haired man sitting across from me. I can’t get over how the little shadowy bags beneath Alex’s eyes hold a sensual mystery. This man has never had to do much to look so damn good.

¨Well, hello there.¨

¨Hey, babe.¨ The babe sounds thick in my mouth.

He bends over, gracing my cheek with his facial stubble as his usual peppery waft sails up, falling over me. I recall one of my Costa uncles telling me how you can sniff a Matani out by their scent. ¨They all smell like peppers. They originally come from the area surrounding Mt. Barrau. There’s a sweet peppery aroma embedded in them. I kid you not. I used to date a Matani. What a hot pepper!¨ Interesting to know it’s usually okay for a Sicilian man to date a woman from a rival family, but it’s looked upon as shady from the woman’s side. Translation, the Matanis probably care less who Alex is sleeping with than the Costas, who are all in my business.

Alexander sits down next to me. Sets his hand on my knee. He squeezes it, signaling a shrill through my sensitive parts.Roleplay, Micola, remember this is all roleplay.

¨Alex, this is Simon. Simon, this is Alexander. Simon is a youth art collector.¨

Alexander’s face twitches in disbelief, ¨Never knew there was such a thing.¨

I’m confident Alex is curious about how money is made as such a collector. It’s an expected question, but one better left unasked. Maybe Simon will fill us in. Does he gain commission? He must have another avenue for making money outside of this. His passion is hearty, that’s for sure.

¨Not many of us are equipped to invest in youth. I’m sure you are, though.¨

Ouch, and why does that seem like a dig? Simon reaches out first to shake hands. The tension between these men is more than I ever expected. I’m curious if they are sniffing out each other’s bullshit? Everyone has a little bullshit about them, right? I can only pray whatever Simon is bullshitting about it has nothing to do with his New York September plans.

Chapter 8



I’ve seen this POS around before. I can’t put my finger on it as to where. My mind has too many tabs open at the moment to duplicate one and make it aboutthisguy.

Simon, or whomever, gives me a shrug as he lifts his tea.

¨Maybe around here?¨ He suggests.

¨But Simon’s been in Morocco for a year, right?¨ Micola adds.

How in the hell did she end up sitting across from this guy? He looks like an accountant, not someone I’d see dabbling in the business of children’s art? Aren’t all children artists, anyway? Is he hoping to be the backbone to morph future artist prodigies? Huh, come to think of it, that’s not a terrible idea, and it means he’s already wealthy. I can tell by the grade of eyeglasses those aren’t inexpensive even though they don’t properly fit his face.

¨Oh. Morocco is gorgeous. Been to Casablanca several times.¨

¨Really? Same.¨

¨ I’m sorry; how did you two stumble across each other?¨

I am fuming to know as I have news I rather share with Micola alone than with this blonde edition of Harry fucking Potter.

¨Out at the artwalk. We were both studying youth art when we bumped into each other.¨ Micola spews out.
