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Boulder. As in the other half of the boulder I just bought.

I’m not a man of interruption, but I have a plan, and I’ll be damned if this little weasel wants anything to do with it.

¨Excuse me, Simon, is it?¨

¨Yes. Alexander Matani. Excuse me, Alexander Masters.¨

I bite my lower lip and pretend I didn’t hear him call me by my family name. How would he know unless I met this man before becoming a Masters? I’d like to doubt Micola would do anything like share that information with him.

¨Any chance you bought the other Fletcher Boulder replica?¨ I swear there’s steam coming out of my head right now.

Simon straightens his fancy bowtie and gives me a perplexed smile, ¨Yes. I did.¨

¨I had no idea a man who takes such sweet interest in children’s art would be fond of a huge boulder.¨

He nods, ¨I have a wild side to me.¨

I’m not sure what he’s insinuating with that. Maybe he wants me to feel threatened, but there’s nothing scary about his northern British accent and tight bowtie. All this time, I assumed it was that stocky man, and it was Simon out of all people.

¨You do know it pairs well with the boulder I have, right?¨

Simon smiles, ¨I knew we had similar tastes.¨

I ought to sock him across his face, but it’ll only confirm I’m a Matani. I can’t imagine giving him such joy.

¨Did you grab it for the art kids to climb while their paintings dry?¨

Simon shakes his head, “You’re quite the jokester, eh?¨

¨How much did you pay for it?¨ I fold my arms across my chest.

¨A quarter less than you paid for yours.¨

¨Really? I’ll buy it off of you for as much as I bought mine.¨

There’s no way he won’t accept that.

¨ I’m not sure about that, Mr. Masters. I think I want to keep my boulder.¨

¨May I ask you what you plan on doing with it?¨

¨Put it in my home.¨

¨Oh, I was hoping to use them as pillars for the entrance lobby of Carvel. Had my eye on them for some time.¨

¨Ha, it’s too bad you came back into the auction hall too late. I’d think if you really wanted it, you would be right in the room. Would’ve been the masterful thing to do, right?¨

This asshole is taking blatant jabs at my name. I ought to squish him like a can. I catch Micola’s eyes. They look as if they already know. Maybe that is what this arse whispered to her.

¨Simon…exactly how do I know you?¨ Abruptly, I switch topics, realizing I dropped the ball regarding him.

I really didn’t see him as a threat, only a tease. Now, he’s in the way of my mastery.

¨I think I have one of those faces.¨ Simon winks.

¨You must. Well, enjoy your boulder.¨

I turn, rubbing my chin, smelling the vanilla undertones on my fingers. It’s all Micola. And, unlike Simon, I was able to taste her, feel her, have her mouth on my dick. I’m not sure if I regret any of that. There must be some other sculptures I can use in my museum. I don’t need to stalk some Brit POS who wants to test me. It’s obvious this is what he wants to do, and the true masterful thing to do is let him have it.
