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¨Great, right?¨

We both receive our own small thin personal hookah. The way the coals glisten in their molten redness is photographable, but I refuse to take any pictures. I need to remain professional at all times with Simon. A couple nights ago, he randomly texted me, asking me to join him at a bar down the road. I happily declined, but that same day he sent me four memes regarding teaching kids art. I found it a bit excessive.

¨Any chance Alex found pillars to use in his museum foyer?¨

I can’t believe he’s asking me that. Alex was more pissed about that than he was willing to express. It was balled up in his face that evening on the car ride home, and it was the first time he didn’t linger his eyes all over me before I slipped into my room. He was just vacant, hurt. Honestly hurt.

¨I think so. I can’t lie; that was a little mean, huh?¨

¨What was mean?¨ He inhales the hibiscus flavor he selected.

¨Do you really like sculptures? I thought we sort of bashed them together when we met?¨

I had to include myself in this; it makes us united and could help me get to the bottom of this. It was a shitty move Simon made, and I have a hunch that Alex is telling the truth about having seen him before. I don’t particularly not trust Simon, but he is new to me, and I have no idea who he truly is.

¨I like that particular boulder. It has minerals only found at the bottom of the ocean. I also personally know the artist and wanted to support her.¨

¨Fair enough.¨ I shrug. I’ll have to leave that one alone for now.

¨Is he still upset at me about it?¨

¨No. He has tons of things to manage right now; I doubt the entrance foyer is his first thought. He has a team working on how to arrange things. I mean, some of these sculptures are having a hard time fitting into the museum. I told him to hire someone to document it all. It’d be cool to see how a modern museum prepares for an opening, even if it’s only well received by the arts community.¨

¨Great little simple idea.¨ Simon smiles.

¨You called it simple?¨ I tease, covering up my annoyance with laughter.

¨You have one stunning face, Micola.¨ Simon shares, turning my laughter into awkward giggles.

¨Oh..thank you?¨

¨You really do. How long have you and Alex been together? Any chance you’re in an open relationship with him?¨

I inhale my hookah again; my mind spins as I can’t believe Simon is asking me these questions.

¨We’re happy. Very happy. Been together for the past year, and we dated eight years ago too. So, yes. I know him very well, and since we were so young the first time we got together, we broke up so we could experience other people.¨

¨Oh. So, no to open relationship?¨

I wonder if he’s saying this because he’s seen Alex up to something. I find myself in a hard spot with this one.

¨I would rather not talk about my relationship. Isn’t this a business meeting?¨

¨At a hookah spot?¨ Simon asks with laughter.

¨Oh. So, just because we’re at this spot means we can’t be professional and talk about art?¨

¨ I’m so sorry, Micola. I assumed you wanting a down-to-earth setting amongst everyday people meant you wanted to shave off a bit of professionalism.¨

¨Got it. No. I didn’t mean to confuse you.¨ I really don’t mind taking the blame if it means we can leave this conversation in the dust.

“It’s okay. I do find you incredibly attractive and sexy. I’m not sure how you feel about me, but if Alex turns out to be a scammer, please, reach out.¨ He exhales through the slit between his lips.

As much as it’s weird to admit, I’m now thinking about all the attractive things about Simon. He has a handsome face, but it appears more youthful than I like. And, his eyes are very striking, but they pale in comparison to Alexander’s dark rifting ones that squint so exquisitely whenever he gives me a lustful face, and god, who on earth knows how to move their mouth the way Alex does? I end up giving myself my own quivers just thinking about it.

¨Well, let’s stay in the professional business zone for now.¨ I exhale, curious how soon I can depart without making this any more awkward. Because how exactly do I go from thinking about Simon and my mind makes it about Alex. Interesting or just problematic?

Chapter 12
