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¨Have they done more since sending you that creepy phone?¨

¨ I’m sure. I don’t know what. I have a theory they are trying to trash Carvel, but I have no proof. Anyhow…thank you so much for getting the kids to bring their stuff in.¨

¨Yes. I tell you one thing, Micola, the deal you made with Alex has paid off and given you the opportunity of meeting Simon Bell. Let’s stay on the positive path.¨ She smiles, adjusting her bra straps underneath her sleeveless black romper.

The positive path I was hoping to manifest completely diminishes when I see none other than Mateo and Ciro open my studio’s door.

¨Smells like child’s play in here.¨ Ciro barks as Mateo locks eyes with me.

¨Welcome back.¨ Mateo takes off his sunglasses.

¨Well, Hello, Senorita Teresa.” Ciro struggles to add an accent as he speaks to my assistant.

¨Good god. Let’s make sure you guys are here for positive things only, okay.¨ Teresa says before storming off to properly cover the paintings against the wall.

Ciro pivots back around to me, shaking his head. “She’s a hot pepper.¨

¨Just stop.” I cut my eye at him.

¨How was London?¨ Mateo places his hands in his slacks pockets, resting his back against the same pillar he hit the last time he was here.

¨I don’t know. How was London?¨ I turn to Ciro.

He chuckles, ¨Mom told you I was there?¨

¨No. Alex did.¨

They exchange odd faces with each other.

¨Yes. Alex. How did Alex know Ciro was there?¨ Mateo questions.

I shrug; ¨ Apparently, the Matanis look out for us Costas the same way we look out for them.¨

¨Matani? I thought he was a Masters?¨ Mateo mocks.

¨If that was truly the case, you’d leave him alone, but no…you think his goal is to destroy us even though he’s so obsessed with his sculptures and art. He’s so obsessed with being a Masters and not a Matani…but you guys made sure Gloria Ava de Italia Arté wrote a sucky article about his grand opening.¨

¨ I’m glad it worked out. Wasn’t sure if she was going to go through with it.¨ Mateo admits.

¨You two don’t have anything better to do?¨

¨It doesn’t take much to do what we did. A small side project to make sure our sister doesn’t scar up our name and to make sure he doesn’t scar up your heart too.¨

¨Mateo, can you give it a rest?¨

¨No. You’re willing to take his money and not your own family’s. Thatisa problem, Micola, and it’s too bad you still don’t understand that.¨

¨ Alex’s money is not blood money. The Costa family money you guys are trying to force me to take is blood money. I will not accept blood money. Period. The end. You two can leave.¨

¨I told you.¨ Ciro points at Mateo with a mocking face before giggling.

¨Shut up!¨ Mateo responds.

Ciro begins pacing the studio, a trait we simply share as I feel like doing the same.

¨Well…only expect surprising, sad things from here on out. That’s what it leads to now, sis.” Mateo pulls his sunglasses down off his head.

Ciro blows a kiss in Teresa’s direction. Turning her back on him, she ignores him.
