Page 160 of Who I Really Am

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“So, I know you’ve been job hunting—”

I gasp, taking in salty air. Oh, no.

“What’s wrong?” His grip tightens.

This can’t be happening. I’ve got my dream job—and it’s a thousand miles away from the man I want to date. More than date, not gonna lie.Ugh. My timing,ourtiming stinks. “Marco, I…I’ve accepted a job offer in Denver. I’m leaving next week.” Tears spring up fast.

This time his grin is mischievous. “I know.”

“How do you know?” But the answer is obvious. No fair. Tripp hasn’t told me squat about Marco’s life.

“Congratulations, by the way.”

“Thanks, but how…” I sigh, but my stomach flutters. “I guess there’s video chat. Phone calls.” Such poor substitutes for face to face, skin to skin. But I’ve accepted. I’ve leased a loft. “I did have an offer in Dallas…”

“Don’t. You. Dare.”

My hand tightens on his nape. “I want to be near you, Marco. You’re worth more to me than any job.” I want to marry him, but is he ready to hear it? I’d scream it loud and long, but he’s talking long-distance dating.

Now my heart is aching again. “I understand you want to take it slow.”

“Who said?”

“Well, that’s kind of a given with a long-distance relationship.”

“Yeah, I don’t think long-distance works for me. I’m kind of a tactile sort of guy. Know what I mean?” He jiggles his eyebrows, but I don’t see the humor. Now, my stomach aches.

He doesn’t want me to stay in Texas. He doesn’t want a long-distance relationship. So what is all this about? Tonight has been a roller coaster, but I’m about to tumble from the summit of the first big hill.

“You’re not crying, are you?”

Biting my lip, I turn to the sea.

“Aw, Allie, I’m sorry. I’ve gone too far—but you know that’s one of my greatest faults, right?”

I hold my lip between my teeth, else it will quiver like gelatin. He touches my face, and, oh, I’m a miserable puddle.

“Allie, I got a transfer. Dallas has not been my friend. I need a new start.”

I look up. “Where are they sending you?”

He leans to my ear, like he’s got a giant secret no one but I can hear. “Denver, Colorado.”

So help me, I squeal. Happy, happy squeal.

“And just so you know, this is an exclusive, just-you-and-me, marking-the-time-until-I-can-make-you-a-legitimate-offer kind of relationship. Are we clear on that?”

Joy, unadulterated, unabated joy, lifts the darkness that’s hovered for so long. I mean, sure, there have been brighter days sprinkled in, the days I’m walking in faith, but now?

And one more thing, so there’s no confusion: I love you Annalise Walker. I love who you really are. And by God’s grace, I am never walking away from you ever again.”

