Page 68 of Who I Really Am

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“Hoopla? Is that what they’re calling it now?”

“Shut up.” Wow, aren’t I witty with my comebacks. In my defense, it is the middle of the night.

He releases my feet, then clasps his hands between his knees, staring down at the dingy carpet. “I’m sorry for bringing you here, Annalise.”

Oh. Ouch. But of course I’m an inconvenience.

“I didn’t realize what a dump this place was when we stopped. I was just so danged drowsy.”

Ah, I get it now. He can say it was about him all he wants, and I’ve no doubt he’s exhausted, but I also know guys like him are used to long, lousy nights and they’re trained to push through. “You were intent on finding me a place to rest. Tonight, you’remyhero, Marco Gonzalez.”



Trouble finds me wherever I go. That’s the kind of guy I am. Only I could wind up in the middle of a violent domestic dispute during an overnighter on a simple road trip.

Only I could have been lucky enough to get railroaded for protecting my home, for utilizing my right to self-defense. I’m a law enforcement officer, but I acted as a civilian. They say I should have known better.


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and the chorizo omelet I just consumed was awesome, but I sigh as I nudge aside my empty plate. I’ve been doing a lot of that lately, and it makes me feel lame. Lame and weak.

Sounds about right.

I silence my phone when my attorney’s number appears. He’s supposed to be somewhere in the heart of Europe, and I’m supposed to have two weeks. I’m taking both of them. There are other issues on my plate at the moment.

One of them was fast asleep in what should have beenmymotel room when I left an hour ago.

I’d hate to ruin the mystique for her, but I sat awake for hours after the incident, adrenaline coursing through my veins. After that subsided, visions of her curled under the covers, blue eyes peering up at me, blonde hair cascading over the pillow kept me sleepless until the wee hours. I don’t know how the next few days are going to play out, but if I can make it through them with my gentlemanly inclinations intact, I will be thankful. Not to mention surprised.

Checkout is in one hour. From my seat, I have a bird’s-eye view of room 118. I wake up my phone and fire off a text to the room’s occupant.

What kind of omelet do you want?

I figure I’m going to have to go over and wake her when my phone finally dings.Pancakes.

Like she needs a plate of pure sugar.They don’t have that kind. Mine was chorizo with cheese and salsa. Sound good?

Sounds like the worst pancake ever.

Good to know she hasn’t lost her sense of humor, but,Omelet surprise it is.

Her response: an emoji with its tongue sticking out. I laugh. I don’t know the last time I was sent anything so lighthearted and mundane. Everyone else is so serious all the time.

Another ding.Don’t rush. Need to shower first.

I go with the chorizo omelet, because it was awesome. She’s a Texas girl, so she simply cannot have a problem with Mexican cuisine. I order two large coffees to go and throw in a handful of creamers for the both of us. Loaded down, I cross the highway, lower the tailgate, and enjoy the sunshine.

About the time I think I’m going to have to haul Annalise out so we’re not charged another day, she emerges in black leggings and a long-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of thin, black, slip-on sandals, the kind with the thingy that goes between the toes. Fancy flip-flops, I guess. Her damp hair is pulled into a ponytail, and her skin looks fresh and revived, as if the shower has washed away the hospital malaise.

She raises her hand to her eyes, squinting. “Where’s my breakfast already?”

“Hop aboard.” I scoot to one side.

She slides onto the tailgate, practically snatches the food from my hands, then smothers the omelet beneath an entire container of salsa. See, I knew south of the border food wouldn’t throw her. She slices off a hunk of egg and shovels it in.

“Easy there, pardner.”
