Page 14 of Jock

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When we pull up, Clay asks me if I’ll take the boys and he runs Sarah in, staying with her until he has to leave her and come up into the stands when it starts.

The little school isn’t full but there are a fair number of contestants. It’s chilly in the gym and there’s that clinical disinfectant smell that all schools have.

Sarah is in one of the first categories and she stands nervously as they announce it. The girl she’s competing against is a little bigger and definitely looks meaner. I wince when they face each other and bow. Then they both start and immediately Sarah gets punched, earning the other girl a point. She stumbles back but catches herself and I groan. They circle each other and I see Sarah look up at her dad. He nods to her and she settles into her stance and then her leg flashes out, knocking the girl to the ground.

“Point!” I scream and Clay grins.

Round and round they go, one point to the other girl, one point to Sarah until it’s the end of the match. The last deciding point.

Like little warriors they gauge each other and then Sarah moves so quick I almost don’t see it. Her hands slap at the girl and then her foot comes out in a sweep and she falls to the ground again.

“Winner!” I scream and yell wildly and Clay’s face glows with pride.

She doesn’t get beyond that round but it doesn’t matter. She won. She worked through her nerves and worry and I couldn’t be prouder. Leaning against Clay’s arms, I watch her get her ribbon and lift her hand up in triumph. She beams with pride and my heart lifts with happiness.

I knew she could do it. Clay smiles and says, “That’s my girl. I knew she had it in her.”

And she does. She’s got my smarts and her dad’s fierce determination and strength. Someday, she’ll bring home a man who recognizes what a prize he’s getting and Clay will lose his shit. But right now?

She’s daddy’s little girl. Daddy’s pride and joy.

He hugs me and I sigh and wonder how the hell I got so lucky. One little black card. That’s how.
