Page 7 of Jock

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I move closer and loom over her, my teeth grinding together. “You can come home with me tonight. We’ll discuss this later. Not here.” I stare around at the clean, almost bare room.

“Where is your family?”

“I don’t have any family. I grew up in foster care.” My poor, little wounded bird. That’s not a safe place for her either.

“Well, you have me now. And I take care of my own. How many classes do you have?”

“Just two. But I really can’t go somewhere else. I don’t have a car to get back home and then there’s the classes and food and…”

I grasp the back of her hair and she stops talking, her eyes locked on mine, her breath coming out in soft pants. She was spiraling out of control. Thinking too hard and she didn’t like it. I could feel her distress.

“You will come home with me. You will give me your schedule and I will take you back and forth to your classes. And anything else that comes up, I will deal with it. You tell me and I will take care of every damn thing. But this is unacceptable.”

“What about sex?” She whispers.

I chuckle. “That is a given. But not until you’re ready. I will not rush you, I will not push you. Because once it happens, you’re mine and I’ll control it all. So you have to have complete trust in me.”

She nods and bites that plush pink lip, trembling. So soft and sweet. Gentle and delicate. Perfect.

“Now let’s go. Get just what you need. I’ll come back for the rest.”

She immediately stands up and does what I tell her to and I feel a warm glow of happiness. Of completion.

This is how things are meant to be.

She gathers up her things and I call for a car. My driver is off today but I call for another one and then help Bitty carry her things out of the room and lock the door securely.

Her soft eyes look up at me and the wild strawberry-blond curls make a halo around her head where the sun hits them.

My angel. I reach out a hand and she takes it right away. Then I lead her out of here and take her home where she belongs. To a home that’s worthy of such a woman.

My home.

* * *

She fidgets around the room and I follow her with my eyes until I finally sigh and sit on the couch. “Sit down, angel.”

She comes to me and I pull her down onto my lap. “What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head and I lift her chin up. “What did I say about honesty?”

She leans into me and sighs. “I don’t know how to say it,” she whispers.

“Say what?”

“I’m ready,” she says so softly that I have to lean in to hear her.

“For what?”

“Us. You. Me. This.”

I grin and pull her until she’s straddling me. “You want me, baby?”

She nods and fidgets and my dick strains in my pants. I suck in a breath. “Fuck. You’re killing me.”

Her eyes lift until she’s watching me through her lashes. “In a good way?”

“In a very good way.”
