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I’ve made him mad, I can tell by the tension in his fingers and the sternness in his eyes as he frowns down at me.

“What happens once the child is born, is for me to worry about,” he tells me.

“And what about me, what will you do with me, Matteo? Because I don’t want to go back.” I shake my head at him, as tears fill my eyes and the emotions inside me outdo my ability to be brave. “I don’t want to marry Dennis Jefferson.”

The anger on Matteo’s face softens as he studies me, and suddenly he seems confused.

“I don’t know what's happening to me, I don’t know when this became something I wanted, but the thought of going back to the way things were, breaks my heart,” I try to explain, but it all comes out wrong and makes me sound completely at his mercy.

“You’d rather be my prisoner than go back to your family?” He narrows his eyes at me, suspiciously.

“I’m just as much of a prisoner there, as I am here. Do you know why me and my so-called friends were on that island, the day your men took me?”

The look on Matteo’s face is unreadable as his strong arm clutches around my legs that are elevated over his shoulders.

“My dad promised me a trip away before he gave me to Jefferson. That was supposed to be me saying goodbye to them all because he knew, that once I became that man's wife, that my life would be over. Those people weren’t even real friends, they were sons and daughters of men he’s felt the need to impress. I have been my father’s bargaining tool since the day I was born. Over the years I have been promised to five different men, and I was only seven when he promised me to the first. I never saw a way out of that before, and I never had the hope to look for one.”

“And you think this is it?” Matteo asks, separating my legs and sliding his body between them.

“It feels like a better offer than Dennis Jefferson.” I smile up at him despite my sadness, but he doesn’t return it, he does something far more shocking. He kisses me, on the lips, slowly and almost passionately. His hand moves between our bodies so he can guide his cock back inside me again, and when I feel him slowly fill me, I anchor my legs around his hips and kiss him right back.

“You're already so full of my cum. You’re fucking soaking,” he breathes against my mouth.

“I want more of it.” I give up on telling myself this is wrong. The heart wants what it wants and, as nasty and vicious as this man can be, mine has attached itself to his black, broken one.

“Fuck, Aria!” His thrusts are much softer than usual, and there's something different in the way he looks at me. Something that feels so wonderful, I could cry.

“I’ll never let anyone take you. You’re mine now, okay?” he assures me. Holding my thighs tight around him as he fucks me slowly, stirring more emotions inside me that I don’t know how to deal with, I feel my orgasm start to build and wonder if that is what has me so defenseless to this man. I crave it when he’s not around, he controls when he lets me have it and when he does, it feels like nothing else on the earth matters.

I grip his hair in my hands and breathe into his ear as I come, and he keeps the pace steady. Continuing to push in and out of me in long, slow strokes that prolongs my orgasm for way longer than usual. His fingers clasp around my jaw and pull me back so his eyes have my attention.

“I promise, Dennis Jefferson will never lay a hand on you,” he growls as he continues feeding himself into me.

“You’re mine,” he repeats, releasing my face and dropping his head into my shoulders, groaning as he comes again. I feel the weight of his body, heavy on top of me, and stroke my fingers through his hair as we breathe in sequence and our heartbeats regulate.

“Sleep now, Aria. You have nothing to fear.” He keeps himself deep inside me, reaching back and pulling the comforter over us both so we can sleep.


Ileft her sleeping, with her hair feathered out over the pillow like an angel, and her pussy full of my cum. I’ve never fallen asleep beside a woman before, let alone with my cock still inside one. I liked how it felt, and I’ve come to the realization that with her, I’ve been allowing myself far too many pleasures.

Tonight, I need to remind myself of who I am. And I know just how to do it, effectively.

My leather-gloved hand grips tight around the steering wheel as I stare across the street into Dennis Jefferson’s mansion. The knots twist my stomach when I think about him and her, together. Aria is young, she has a whole life ahead of her and her father can’t possibly love her if he was thinking of marrying her off to this rotting corpse of a man.

Power would have been his only motive. Dennis Jefferson plans to run for senator next year, and having a man like him in your pocket would be beneficial to Fucchini.

It’s taken me three hours to drive here, and in that time I’ve thought about all the ways I could kill him. I made Aria a promise tonight, one that I won’t break. I have to be sure that if something goes wrong and Aria ends up in the hands of her father again, marrying Dennis Jefferson will not be an option.

It’s been years since I did something like this, alone. Usually, men are brought to me, they get to kneel at my feet and beg for their mercy before I kill them. But this is different. I want to do this by myself. I want to do this for her.

I check my watch, it’s late, way past midnight, and I’m sure the old man will be sleeping soundly in his bed. So, getting out of the car, I make my way across the street and like a teenage boy, I scale the fence to his backyard. When we were younger, me and Demitri had a lot to prove to our fathers. I may have been Angelo Romano’s only son and heir, but my dad made it very clear he wouldn’t leave his empire to someone incompetent. To be a successful Romano you have to work your way from the ground up. I’m thankful to him for that tonight when I take the lock picker out of my back pocket and hold the torch between my teeth, as I pick the lock of Jefferson’s back door.

I prove I haven’t lost my touch when it opens a few seconds later, and then quietly let myself in and creep through his living room.

The place is impressive, as I imagined it would be, and I try to imagine it being Aria’s home. These days the only space I can imagine her being in is mine. I’m not a fool, I know in order to keep her the way I want to, I will have to change my plan. I can’t keep her hidden forever, even if I wanted to. But I will not give her up. The thought of her being here has the leather of my gloves creasing when I fist my hands. Slowly, I take the stairs up to the second floor looking for the man who Fucchini intended to be his daughter's husband.

The floorboards creak when I get to the top and after carefully opening the first door I come to, I find the room empty. I check behind three more doors before I find him sleeping in his bed, snoring like a wild boar with his huge gut protruding from under the covers.
