Page 5 of She Loves Me Not

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He has called me that on several occasions today.

Love is exactly what I see in his intelligent gaze right now, and I can't deny what I see even if I don’t understand it. I did not become such a good corporate lawyer by denying facts. I did it by analyzing evidence in the most objective of ways.

There’s love in his eyes.

Love for me, his nemesis.

The question is: how the heck did I put it there?



Imove slightly back to get a better look at her and smile.

I can't help myself. This is perfect.

My heart is bursting with joy.

I’ve never felt happier in my life.

We have finally dispensed with all the stupid pretenses, and after five years of driving each other insane, we have come to an understanding.

And what an understanding!

She is so beautiful, all sleep-tousled and flushed after our interlude, one of her plump, pink lips grasped between her teeth, her long brown hair wild, surrounding her light frame like a dark halo.

My own little tigress, she is quite the firecracker in bed!

But I always knew it would be like this. She's too energetic, too passionate about life, too vibrant to be anything but the hot bombshell she was last night and this morning.

She could never be demure and placid.

Always so boisterous, sassy, and full of life, always with a retort on her lips just to piss me off.

My lovely enemy. My Lynn. My love.

I reach with my finger to touch the soft skin of her jaw. There's something in her gray-blue eyes, something that was certainly not there last night. There's a tiny frown on her forehead, just between her delicate eyebrows, and her teeth won't stop torturing her lips.

I feel the smile freeze on my face and then drop. My heartbeat picks up a bit. I ask her if she is okay. Maybe I was too rough with her, too eager?

What’s wrong?

Why is she turning so pale?

I smooth her forehead with one finger and ask again, “Baby, are you all right? Is something the matter?”

She shakes her head a couple of times, a confused, disbelieving expression on her face. She looks away from me and sighs, covering her eyes with her hands.

“Devon… I… I don’t know how to tell you this, I…”

I'm really getting worried now. She sounds so forlorn, so sad.

I gently grasp her shoulders and hug her to me. “Just tell me that you are okay, please,” I ask. My voice rough, a feeling of foreboding settling over me.

“No, no… it’s not that, Devon. I’m okay, more than okay considering—”
