Page 3 of The Banker's Pearl

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“Is that so?” she teases, raising an eyebrow. “And what makes you think I need your help?”

“Nothing,” I reply, grinning, raising my palms in mock surrender.


My heart races at the thought of spending more time with Josh. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man – confident, charming, and incredibly sexy. But I’m not sure…

“Maybe,” I say, trying to sound noncommittal. “We’ll see how our schedules line up.”

“Sounds good,” he responds, standing up and walking over to the dumbbells.

* * *

I try to keep my eyes focused on the treadmill screen, but my gaze keeps drifting over to Josh. He’s doing a set of bicep curls, each lift accentuating his sculpted arms that are glistening with sweat. I bite my lip, imagining what it would feel like to have those strong arms wrapped around me.

“Focus, Pearl,” I murmur to myself, increasing the speed on the treadmill. The rhythmic pounding of my feet on the belt drowns out my thoughts for a moment, but then I catch a glimpse of Josh in the mirror again. This time, he’s looking right at me. Shit.

“Hey, Pearl,” he calls out, seemingly unaware of the explicit images dancing through my mind. “How’s your workout going?”

“Uh, good!” I stammer, trying to sound casual. “Just, you know… running.”

“Nice,” he grins, his dimples making my heart skip a beat. “You’ve got great form.”

“Thanks,” I squeak out, feeling my face heat up. If only he knew what kind of “form” I was really thinking about.


There’s something captivating about Pearl when she’s flustered. Her cheeks take a charming undertone of pink, and she has this adorable habit of tucking a curl behind her ear. I can’t help but tease her.

“Careful not to trip,” I say, smirking as I walk toward her. “Wouldn’t want to spoil that pretty face of yours.”

“Ha, very funny,” she retorts, rolling her beautiful caramel eyes. “I’m perfectly capable of running without falling, thank you very much.”

“Good to know,” I reply, unable to suppress a grin. I lean against a nearby wall, my arms crossed, watching her for a moment.


“Shit,” I mutter under my breath, feeling the heat on my cheeks as I realize Josh caught me staring at him while he works out. My heart races, and I know I need to make a quick escape before I embarrass myself further.

“Nice seeing you, Pearl,” he calls after me, his voice smooth and teasing. I can practically feel his eyes on me as I scuttle towards the door, trying to save what little dignity I have left.

“Sorry, gotta go!” is all I manage to say before slipping out of the gym, leaving him behind with a surprised expression on his face.


I watch as Pearl dashes out of the gym, her fucking sexy body disappearing around the corner. Her sudden departure leaves me both amused and intrigued.

“Damn,” I murmur, wiping the sweat from my brow. The image of her blushing face flashes through my mind, making me grin.


“Ugh, I’m such an idiot,” I groan to myself, leaning against the wall outside the gym. My heart still pounds in my chest, and I can’t believe I left like that. Images of Josh’s muscular arms and sweat-glistening, thick thighs fill my thoughts, making me bite my lip.

“Get a grip, Pearl,” I tell myself, shaking my head. “You live in the same building, it’s only natural you run into each other.”

“Talking to yourself?” Josh’s low baritone startles me, making me jump. I whirl around to face him, my embarrassment skyrocketing.

“Jesus, don’t sneak up on people like that!” I scold, trying to hide my nerves.
