Page 6 of The Banker's Pearl

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“If you keep doing that, this will be over before it even really started, baby.”

I smile up at him, squeezing my inner muscles. Josh jerks against me with a strangled curse. “You dirty, dirty girl.”

“You love it,” I tease, laughter fading into a moan as he begins to move.

Josh claims my mouth in a searing kiss, muffling my cries as he drives us both rapidly toward release. The world narrows to just the two of us, so in sync I can hardly tell where he ends and I begin.

When my pleasure reaches its climax, it steals my breath and leaves me shaking. Josh follows soon after, burying his face in my neck with a groan.

We lie together, limbs entangled and hearts pounding. A deep contentment settles over me, feeling as though I’ve finally come home.

Josh lifts his head, brushing a tendril of hair from my face. He smiles down at me, soft and intimate, eyes glowing with warmth and affection. “I’m so glad I found you.”

My heart swells. “And I’m glad I found you.”

There’s a long moment of comfortable silence before Josh presses a kiss to my forehead. “Can I stay the night?”

“I’d like that.”

“Good.” He settles more firmly against me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Because I have no intention of letting you go.”



I wake slowly, cocooned in warmth and comfort. Josh is spooned behind me, his arm draped over my waist and warmth breath fanning against the back of my neck.

A smile tugs at my lips as memories of last night filter through my mind. The intimacy we shared goes beyond anything physical, forging a bond between us I never imagined possible.

Josh stirs, fingers flexing against my skin. “Morning, beautiful.” His gravelly tone sends a delicious shiver down my spine.

I roll over to face him, tracing the sharp line of his jaw. “Good morning.”

He catches my hand, pressing a kiss to my palm. “How did you sleep?”

“Very well, thank you. And you?”

“Best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages.” His smile falters slightly, brow creasing. Josh cups my face, thumb brushing over my cheek. “Pearl, I want this, I want us, and I want it forever.”

I stare at him, equal parts elated and terrified. Can I give him what he wants? Am I capable of the kind of commitment he’s asking for?

“I understand this is a lot to process.” Josh kisses me softly. “Just know that you’re it for me, Pearl. However long it takes for you to be ready, I’ll be here waiting.”

My breath hitches.

I surge forward, crushing my mouth to his. He stills for a fraction of a second before responding with a fervor that steals my breath.

When we part, I rest my forehead against his.

His answering smile lights up the room.

Laughter bubbles up inside me, spilling past my lips.

Josh kisses me again, slow and sweet and full of promise.


