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Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

I did. Once.

Then my heart was shredded inside my chest. I gave up on finding love again after that. Why would I do that to myself? That one time did enough damage to last me for the rest of my life.

I wasn’t young and naïve anymore. I was forty-six and had more than enough to keep me busy.

Between my club, Untouchable, and the other businesses I ran, it was a wonder I found time to sleep. Though nothing pulled my attention like my club did. It was my baby. It made me happy.


There was another loaded word.

I used the term loosely. My businesses were thriving, which was great. My personal life was nearly nonexistent, which was good too. Except it wasn’t. It was an empty chasm inside me, the edges full of thorns, waiting to draw blood.

Jordan Altair Jr., or JJ for short, saw to the end of my joy. Once upon a time, I would have given him everything. I would have sold it all if he asked me to. He wouldn’t, though he knew I’d do anything for him. We burned so hot and so bright.

I foolishly went and did what I always did. I took control. Handled shit. JJ didn’t like it. He’d told me he didn’t want me killing anyone for him again. I understood why. His father was a mafia boss. JJ didn’t want anything to do with that world. He actively tried to stay out of it, even though his father found a way to keep pulling him back in.

And there I was doing the very thing JJ hated. He didn’t care why I did it. He only saw the act, not the motive behind it.

All in the fucking name of love. For JJ. For his life.

When he walked away from me after us being together for a year, leaving my heart a mess, I told myself I wouldn’t fall ever again.

Enter Greer Lynx.

Jesus, that man.

He was different from anyone I’d slept with before. I’d known him ever since Perry Altair Sr. asked my brother, Xaiden, to train the Lynx brothers over two decades ago. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with him after remaining strictly friends for so long, but he was a temptation I couldn’t stay away from.

Greer was forty now. Tattooed, which I couldn’t resist, thanks to JJ getting me hooked on them. He was covered in them after all. But Greer was the polar opposite of the man I gave my heart to, so I thought I was safe.


Greer was kind, honest, and open with his emotions. I knew he was falling for me. I was helpless to pull away.

Until JJ was back in front of me, reminding me why love was the worst emotion known to man. I had to put a stop to the casual sex Greer and I had. He wasn’t the only one getting attached. But I couldn’t let him in. Couldn’t give the tattered remains of my heart only for him to destroy the rest of it.

I had to protect myself. In the process, I hurt myself more than anything.

JJ hated me.

Greer looked like a kicked puppy.

I was a fucking mess on the inside. On the outside, I was my usual self. No one saw past the armor I had in place. It was bulletproof. Yet, I still felt. Still bled for the two men I shouldn’t want. They were better off without me.

Fuck love.

Fuck my life.

Fuck everything that made mefeel.
