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“Granted. I’m glad I don’t have to figure out who’s covering.”

Diesel had recently taken a job working for Junior as an assistant to his assistant. Or they were both Junior’s assistants. I didn’t know. Diesel assured me it wouldn’t interfere with his dancing here. After having Dominic juggle dancing and working for Junior, I knew it could easily be done.

“Dom also said he’d take three rooms tonight.”

“Can you line those up for me?”

“Yup.” When Lynn was here, I asked her to help with all aspects of the club if she could. “There was a mix-up with the beef order, and we only got a quarter of what we needed for the club. The supplier assured Dana he’d have the balance here by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Do we have enough to get through the night?”

“Dana said we’ll be fine and if for some reason we aren’t, he’ll send out one of his kitchen staff to buy more from the store.”

I nodded. “Good.” It wasn’t lost on me how smoothly this place ran. It wouldn’t if I didn’t have the right people in place.

Dana was a fantastic chef. He’d been with me since I opened the club. I’d gone to high school with him, and we’d kept in touch over the years while I followed his career. When it came time to staff Untouchable, I had to coax him away from the restaurant he was working at.

Lynn and I wrapped up our meeting and she went to her office. She worked from home often and came to the club at least once a week. She would travel to the other businesses, if necessary, but for the most part worked remotely. I didn’t need her tailing me twenty-four seven. If I needed her help, I could text, email, or call her. Lynn had proven time and again she could handle nearly everything from home that she did in person.

I stepped out of my office and went down the hall to the dressing rooms where the dancers got ready. I didn’t go inside but checked in with a few of them as they were coming and going. Dominic was near the stage when I made my way toward it. He liked to get in the zone in advance of performing.

His steel gray eyes held mine. “Did Lynn give you my request?”

“About vacation or Freddie?”

He grinned. “Both.”

“Vacation is yours. Freddie remains on the payroll.”

“He keeps hitting on Perry. I won’t be blamed if I deck his ass.”

“Lynn’s going to talk to him.”

“She’s good at threats. That woman takes no shit.”

“No, she doesn’t, so consider it handled.”

“Good.” He focused back on the stage where the music was thumping through the speakers. Sierra was performing, dancing, twisting and bending every which way. He was one of my more flexible dancers and the members ate it up.

Dominic started fidgeting with his tie, which he didn’t normally do.

“Are you all right?”

“Hmm?” He turned toward me. It wasn’t lost on me how beautiful he was and since training with Xaiden, his muscles became more defined.

“What’s going on? Who do I need to hurt?”

“No one. Yet at least. Greer…” He sighed. “I shouldn’t bring him up.” No, he shouldn’t because I didn’t want Greer on my mind again, but now that he did, I needed to know.


“He wasn’t in the best mood last night. Down, sad. Then he had a visitor and it helped.Hehelped.”

Oh, Dominic knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn’t fault him either. I was the one who put him and Peyton in a VIP room together, knowing damn well they both worked in Junior’s office. Peyton and Junior didn’t know Dominic danced here on the side. I was the one who put that ball into motion. Afterward, I felt horrible. It didn’t go as planned at first. Eventually, everything was right between the three of them. I had a hand in that, even if Dominic wanted to throttle me for a bit there.

“Out with it, Dom.”

“JJ showed up last night and left… after lunch today.” He turned toward the stage in time for the deejay to announce Sierra’s exit.
