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We eventually went inside to get out of the chilly air and the officers started their work. More showed up. Photos were taken; they dusted for prints. I wondered if they did this detail of work for every break-in they were called to. I also found I didn’t care because them doing their jobs would help me keep my men safe when they were here. It also made me realize I didn’t want them staying in my house until this shit was solved. Their lives weren’t worth any risk.



“We shouldn’t be doing this,” JJ said. His eyes wouldn’t settle on any one point. They danced over the people around us, looking for a potential threat.

Dexen put his hand on the back of JJ’s neck. “Would you rather us hide and only leave to go to work?”

“Is that seriously a question because the answer would be yes.”

After what happened today at Dexen’s home and the police left, we stayed there to help him clean his office and put things back the way they were. Dexen said there wasn’t anything in his safe but paperwork, and it was all accounted for. He wasn’t sure why anyone would want to dig through his things. Like the other times, except for the shoe shot, the cameras revealed nothing, which only frustrated the hell out of me and made me want to add more to the home. Maybe if I did, the person would slip up and be seen, not expecting the new camera to be there.

Eventually, Dexen shooed us off back to work and he went to his club. Xaiden though, he stuck around Dexen’s house for a while. He made certain it was locked up and the alarm was set before he left.

JJ and I didn’t want Dexen returning home to sleep until this was settled. He didn’t like it, but he agreed to stay at the fortress with us. His suitcase was packed, suits hung in garment bags. Everything was in his Audi, waiting to be brought inside the fortress after our date. And we were having this date. It was our first one. I’d be damned if I’d let someone ruin it.

I made reservations at a steakhouse which was also a farm about twenty minutes north of Dremest. It didn’t look like much driving by, just a cattle farm with them grazing in the pasture. Up a long driveway stood a beautiful home. Behind it, a rustic yet modern restaurant.

Tall, natural wood beams served as pillars on either side of the entryway, leading up to a deep-green metal roof. The outside of the building was white, and the front door matched the roof in color. Inside was more of the natural wood with beams high on the ceiling and fans spinning. There was a stage on the right side where instruments stood but no band. I happened to know the owners of the farm had grown sons who played in a popular rock band. Last I knew, they were successfully touring so they wouldn’t be here. I’d heard them play live more than once and they were damn good.

We were seated near the stage. It was quieter there tonight. I was glad we weren’t by the kitchen so the waitstaff wasn’t constantly coming and going.

“Greer,” I heard a moment before a stunning brunette appeared in front of me and threw her arms around my neck. She was a solid foot shorter but made up for it with her fiery personality.

“Cadence.” I hugged her close. “How are you?”

She released me with a pat on my arm. “I’m good. Busy as hell as you can see.” She was the oldest of her siblings. “When I saw your name on the reservation list, I had to sit you in my area.”

I smiled. “Of course, you did.”

“Who’d you bring with you?”

“These are my boyfriends. Cadence meet Dexen Dremest and JJ Altair.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Boyfriends? Well, well, the Lynx brothers are really living it up, aren’t you? First Peyton found himself two men and now you.” She reached out to shake hands with Dexen and JJ. “It’s nice to meet you. Take a seat and I’ll be back to get your drink order.”

We got a few looks from patrons at other tables. Three men who held hands and kissed would do that. Add in the size of us and yeah, they were curious. Luckily, no one gave us looks like they thought it was wrong. If they did, Cadence would have them out of here fast. Her brother was gay.

I put my back to the wall, grateful for the seat on the far side of the room. JJ put his to the stage. Dexen only had eyes for us. I didn’t think he’d noticed what we did. My mind went to protecting the men I cared about, especially Dexen. Someone was obviously after him. And JJ was beyond worried.

Reaching over, I took JJ’s hand in mine. “He’s fine. We’re safe here. No one but the employees knew we were coming.”

“Tell that to him.” JJ’s chin jutted subtly to a man at the bar. It was a U shape along the back wall, extending out into the center of the room.

A man with slicked back dark hair sipped a beer, his eyes drifting over to us. He didn’t even try to conceal the fact he was watching us.

“You know him?” I asked.

“Barry. He works for my dad. I’m sure he’s tailing me, telling the old man what I’m doing.” JJ stood before I could stop him and strode toward the bar.

Dexen turned and watched, as did I. JJ could handle himself. That didn’t mean we wouldn’t jump in if need be.

A couple minutes later, JJ came back and sat down.

Dexen cocked an eyebrow. “What did you say?”

“I told him to tell my old man he should be happy now. I’m back together with you. But also, he should be pissed because I’m sleeping with Greer too. And if he has anything he’d like to say about it he can go fuck himself.”
