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“I’d live there,” I said.

JJ looked at me. “You’d move out of the fortress?”

“For you and Dexen, I’d do anything.”

He faced me and looped his arms over my shoulders, his fingers gripping the back of my neck. “Me too. Whatever you both need, I’ll be there.”

Brushing his hair back from his face, I looked at one of the men who held my heart. JJ had been letting his hair go natural, not trying to style it back. It was past his chin now, blond locks making him even sexier.

Words of love sat on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back. I wanted to say it to them both at the same time. Hopefully, the right moment presented itself tonight because I didn’t know how much longer I could keep the words in.



Lunch was a good idea. I was glad I thought of it. It was a small gesture. A step to show I was thinking about Greer and JJ and wanted to brighten their day. I’d been the one struggling through this relationship. Well, I was, not so much anymore. Now I was focused on proving I wanted them. They broke me open, cracked my chest wide. I craved them on every level. If I could do little things to show them how much I cared, I would.

After I left their office, I went back to the club and helped unload the van. My afternoon was full of items to check off my list, not only here but elsewhere too. I’d learned a lot from my parents about managing businesses. One of those things was I could be as hands on or hands off as I wanted, but I didn’t micromanage the people who worked for me.

I’d been in contact with the manager at the farm my family owned and brought up the Ashford farm. She told me we supplied them with our cheese and milk. The Ashfords wanted what they served to be procured locally. I was glad we were able to be a part of it because, holy hell, their food was good. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t been there before. JJ loved it because of the brothers in the band. I wasn’t much for music outside of what the club played. I was more interested in the meal. A good steak was hard to find.

Most people had their workdays wind down toward five. That was when mine picked up. Members came in as they got off work. Some wanted to have dinner here, others went home then showed later. Either way, I couldn’t get sucked into the club tonight. I had a manager on every shift so I could leave if I chose to, which I was doing.

I gathered my things and let my manager know I was heading out. The back lot for the employees was gated and well lit. The lights made it easy to find my SUV. There were always guards by the door leading inside from the lot. This place was more secure than my house was. If only I’d been better about keeping my house safe, I wouldn’t be spending my nights at the fortress. I could have my men in my home where I wanted them.

The drive out to the fortress gave me enough time to relax and leave work behind. It wasn’t easy for me to do since I lived and breathed it for so long, not allowing myself much of a personal life. When everything else sucked, I had the club. When JJ and I split, I had a place to go where I could drown myself in work.

Greer had told me how Junior changed after he got together with Peyton and Dominic. How he started going home on time and bringing work with him. It was better to be there with the men he loved than at the office where only Peyton was. They also had their ways to keep his mind on them and not work. I had to admit, I wouldn’t be opposed to JJ and Greer dragging me away from my office to be with them. Hell, just the allure of them waiting for me was enough to get me to leave the club before seven.

Hitting the button on the remote Greer gave me, I waited for the gates to open and drove through. A measure of peace settled over me as I went down the driveway. They were in there. The men I couldn’t wait to see.

JJ’s truck was in the driveway. He and Greer went in to work together when he didn’t have to go to the shop like he did tonight.

Light poured out onto the back porch from the kitchen windows and door. There was movement inside, but I didn’t look closely enough to see who was there. The door opened before I could get to it with Junior appearing in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt that had a few tiny holes near the hem. For a man who dressed so well at the office, he really dressed down at home.

“Good day?” he asked.

“Yeah, not bad. You?”

He shrugged. “Same old shit. You missed dinner.”

“I told them not to wait for me. I ate at the club.”

“Greer said you brought them lunch today. I need to get down to the club for dinner one night. Everyone raves about the food.”

“Dom works the dinner shift twice a week. You could see him dance and eat while doing so.”

“I’d also choke on whatever you served because I’d be so fixated on watching him, I wouldn’t pay attention to chewing.”

“That’s okay. My staff knows the Heimlich.”

Junior moved aside so I could get in out of the cold. It wasn’t the bitterness of the dead of winter yet, but the early fall warmth that sometimes lingered was gone. I put my keys on the hook by the door and stepped out of my shoes.

Greer sat in the breakfast nook, rolling one of his tennis balls on the table while staring at his tablet. His eyes lifted and, when he saw me, a beautiful smile curved his lips. I was so gone for him. “You’re early.”

I shrugged. “I had a couple of men I wanted to see.”

“I feel left out,” Peyton said, coming into the room. He had on a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt. He was hot, I always thought so, but he had nothing on Greer.
