Page 13 of Bribed

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I grin back, wrapping my arms around her, thinking that I’ve never been this at ease with myself. She’s with me; tucked in my arms and she sticks to me as if nothing could make her let go. I thought being a soldier was all there was to me, but she was willing to show me there was more.

I used to be a man who only knew war. Not anymore, now that I know love.


Jean-Two years later

Finally the weekend and wetook the opportunity to grab Pistol and go down to the park. Others had the same idea apparently, because the place is overflowing with couples, families and singles. Kinda funny though that there’s empty space around us and people glance warily at my soldier. I hold down a snort. They’re just being extra. He looks so harmless right now.

His tattoos aren’t showing and he’s not scowling, but his eyes scan the area just in case someone jumps out from behind a lamppost. I’m lying down on my elbows on a blanket while he remains seated, because he never allows himself the luxury to relax. Other than when he’s in bed with me and only after, we’ve finished a couple of sweaty rounds.

Grabbing a stick, he throws it and Pistol runs off. Frowning, Carter mutters, “Have you noticed how protective he has been over you lately?”

I nod, shrugging. “It’s the pregnancy. He knows a baby is coming.” Glancing at Carter, I add, “And you’re not the one to talk.”

Raising his brows, he makes a failed attempt to look innocent and I roll my eyes.

“You don’t think I saw you spying on me when I was in the field yesterday?” I let out a laugh. He thought he was being so discreet, hiding behind trees and clenching his fists any time one of the dogs snapped at me.

“Those pups don’t know how to behave yet,” he mutters. “Their sharp little teeth might not do much damage but they could still pierce your skin.”

“I’m careful,” I promise him, wrapping my arms around him and kiss his coarse cheek. “And you’re the one who should worry about getting bitten.” I nibble his lip, his jawline and he groans, then curses when I stop but my attention is elsewhere. “Isn’t that your sister?”

She’s jogging, dressed in quiet luxury workout clothes and a couple of hair strands have escaped her claw clip. Raising my hand, I’m about to wave when Carter yanks my arm down.

“Don’t call her over. She won’t shut up when she sees you, and then we’ll never get rid of her.”

“You’re a bad big-brother,” I grin, shaking my head. My grin widens. “Just kidding, you’re the best and did I mention I think you’re an amazing husband?” Leaning against him, I hug his shoulder. “I love you.”

He squeezes my hip. “I love you more, squeak,” he says then shakes his head when I offer him a cupcake. “Nah, I’m good.”

But I insist and I insist so much that he turns a little bit suspicious, but he takes a bite. A pink, raspberry filling explodes and he stops for a moment, chewing slower and slower until he glances at me warily.

“It’s a girl,” I breathe and he swallows, his eyes widening and he drops the cupcake. We exchange, secret smiles and glances. He grabs my face between his big palms and leans his forehead against mine. “What do you think about that, daddy?”

“That the best thing I ever did was make that agreement,” he groans, watching me as if he couldn’t live without me, “because it gave me you.”

And it gave me my soldier of fortune.

The End
