Page 3 of Dark Captive

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The parking lot bustles with activity as people scatter about, seeking solace in the company of others. Some lean against cars and engage in lively conversations, while others stand alone, creating occasional puffs of burnt cigarette smoke.

I briefly glimpse a couple sharing a passionate kiss and quickly look away, not wanting to entertain thoughts of intimate encounters.

"Layla, my love, go on in," the tall and muscular bouncer at the entrance greets, flexing his well-defined biceps as he moves the red rope aside.

"Thanks, Cuppie," Layla lingers by his side, planting a kiss on his prominent cheekbone.

"Have fun, love," he replies.

"Cuppie?" Annie raises an eyebrow.

"Shut up," Ginger hushes her, and we enter, immersing ourselves in the club scene.

We’re immediately welcomed by music so loud it vibrates the air and the colorful scenery of bodies grinding against each other. The mingling scents of sweat, fragrant perfumes, and the lingering aroma of liquor create a heady and intoxicating atmosphere, one that hints at lasting memories.

"Bye," Annie quickly slips away, and Layla follows her.

"Meet you at the bar!" she yells, disappearing into the crowd.

"How about we head there now?" Ginger suggests, slipping her arm around and pulling me closer as we navigate through the mass of people.

We reach the bar, where we’re immediately offered shots of alcohol by an incredibly attractive bartender.

As I sway gently to the rhythm of the pop mix playing, my nerves gradually calm. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. In fact, maybe this was just what I needed to get out of my funk.

"Someone's staring," Ginger whispers, leaning in close and glancing behind me.

"No D’s, I'm serious. I'm just here to have fun and not dwell on..." My words catch in my throat as I suddenly become sharply aware of the song now echoing through the room. It was Ryan and my favorite during karaoke nights.

"Snap out of it," Ginger shakes me. "Look, bestie, it's high time you get over him." She gently cups my face with her moist palms. "You can do so much better than him, my friend. Have you seen your ass, girlfriend? Any guy here would be lucky to have a mouthful."

I laugh lightly, feeling the grip of my thoughts loosening.

"Especially him. He looks like he's ready to take a bite," Ginger adds mischievously, subtly gesturing toward a guy across the room.

Curiosity gets the better of me, and I turn to steal a glance.

And once I do, I can’t look away.

The guy is definitely looking at me, but it’s more than that. He’s devouring me with his eyes. I can feel their pull, even across the club. Dark, messy hair frames a ruggedly handsome face. Broad shoulders hint at a strong body. I already know he has tattoos. Still watching me, he lifts his glass of liquor to his lips and takes a slow sip. The movement of his mouth, the sight of the liquid moving down his throat is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Suddenly, I can feel the music throbbing inside of me. Sparking my nerves. Heating my blood.

I will him to come to me.

I’ve just decided some D is just what I need.



The burning of the whisky at the back of my throat isn’t enough to take my eyes off her.

Her luscious, chestnut locks sway as she moves to the music, her hips moving with careless grace. The sleeveless off-shoulder black dress hugs her body, showing off the enticing curves of her waist, the swell of her perfect breasts. Her long legs shimmer with the hues of the dazzling lights of the club. I can't see her eyes from where I am, but I know they’re green.

I know a lot about Amber Schapiro, perhaps even more than I should. Her pictures, however, fail to convey the sheer magnetic pull she possesses. Every inch of her is alluring.

Amber stops dancing. I catch a somber expression on her face before her tall friend gently cradles her cheek. I can guess what that’s about; it probably has something to do with Ryan.
