Page 20 of Mafia Secrets

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“No thanks, but nice meeting you.” I’m ready to walk away when his hand tightens on my wrist. His hand is rough, like that of someone who might work with their hands, not someone you would find at a place like this. I didn’t belong here, either, but now I’m wondering who he is here with.

“I said no.” I pull my arm back, but he doesn’t release it.

His smile is gone, and he tugs me closer. “I know you are one of the girls who works here, so don’t play hard to get, sweetheart.”

My stomach hollows out. “I don’t work here, so release me.” What the hell does he mean? That I am a waitress? But the way he says it makes me think of a whore. My skin crawls.

“Eddie, don’t you have work to do?”

Relief pours over me at Daniel’s voice. Eddie immediately releases me, and I want to rub my sore wrist.

“I was trying to get away from this one, but she wanted to see if I was on a break.”

My blood boils, and I open my mouth to defend myself, but Daniel laughs.

“Come now, Eddie. We all know that isn’t true. Why don’t you go to the restroom and freshen yourself up before your shift starts?” Daniel’s voice holds no humor, and Eddie seems to be picking up what Daniel is saying and leaves. He makes a beeline for the restroom.

All the while, Daniel stands stiffly beside me, watching him leave.

“Did he touch you?” The question sounds innocent, but from Daniel’s lips, nothing is innocent.

My gaze dances to my wrists, and when I glance up at Daniel, he’s looking at my arm. He nods and finishes his drink.

“I need to use the restroom. I’ll just be a minute.” Placing his drink on the table, Daniel leaves and enters the same door Eddie had.

I swallow the remainder of my own drink, but something has me placing my empty glass beside Daniel’s as I, too, make my way into the restroom.

My gut tells me Daniel is pissed.



“Youshouldn’thavetouchedwhat is mine,” I say to Eddie. He’s leaning over a urinal. Zipping up his jeans. He glances at me, and before he can react, my fist smashes into his jaw. He stumbles and falls sideways into another urinal before hitting the ground.

“I didn’t touch anyone.” He tries to get up but my foot lands on my chest.

“Wrong answer, Eddie.” I remove my foot before stomping down into his stomach. He cries out, and the door opens; someone is ready to enter but takes one look at Eddie on the ground and scurries away.

I allow him to get up. “The girl in the red dress?”

Him referring to Lily, has my fist colliding with his jaw again. Blood spurts out of his mouth and lands on the sleeve of my white shirt. I stare at the blood. “Now look what you did.”

He pales while trying to nurse his face. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I didn’t know.”

I raise my fist again when the door opens. “Get out.” I shout over my shoulder without turning around.

“What are you doing?” Lily’s soft voice is filled with alarm.

“Ladies are next door, Lily,” I say while grabbing Eddie by the neck, so he stops looking at what is mine.

“Daniel.” She enters the bathroom. “Please.” She begs.

I release him. “You're lucky.” I warn Eddie.

He nods while blood dribbles from his mouth. “Get the fuck out of my sight before I change my mind.” He dashes past me and gives Lily a wide berth.

Her eyes are wide, her chest rises and falls, and she shakes her head. “Why did you do that?”
