Page 22 of Mafia Secrets

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That has me stepping away from Lily, who’s frowning.

“Information about?”

“Mike McGuiness.” I hear the click of a lighter before she inhales deeply. “It’s information you need now.”

I turn my back on Lily as she continues to watch me. “Where are you?”

“I’m in the hotel where you are. Room number 24.”

“Room number 24, give me five minutes,” I say. That’s the second floor. Alexis must be one of the working ladies for my uncle.

I hang up. “I have to be somewhere. I won’t be long. Stay here and ….” I point at the table. “Have some food. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Who was that woman?” Lily almost sounds jealous.

I stop at her shoulder and plant a kiss on her cheek. “Wouldn't you like to know?” I say before leaving her and making my way to Alexis.



Ikeepscratchingatthe blood splats on the sleeve of my shirt, but the stains aren’t disappearing. I’ve destroyed enough shirts to know the blood won’t come out. I stop what I’m doing and enter the elevator that will take me to the second floor. Taking out my phone, I send a message to one of my security to keep an eye on Lily. She might leave the room, and I want her kept in sight until I get back.

I pass three different men on this floor. Each one looked disheveled and distressed. They got what they paid for. I didn’t have any dealings in this part of the business. I liked nightclubs and giving people their escape while on my premises in the form of alcohol or drugs. For me, that’s where I draw the line.

The women that work here are willing, no one is forced, and they make decent money. Most of this is run by Darragh and Shane.

I stop at room twenty-four. I raise my hand to knock, but the door opens.

A lady with red bouncing curls and matching red lipstick opens the door.

“Alexis?” I quiz.

She nods and pulls the door open, allowing me in.

The room is shrouded in darkness – the bed neatly made. A scented pink rose candle burns on a nightstand.

I walk across the stained wooden floor and turn as Alexis closes the door.

She grabs both sides of her black silk nightgown that’s been left hanging open unnecessarily. She’s a very attractive woman, and if she gave me any indication that she wanted to fuck, I’d normally gladly do it, but right now, I’m glad when she tightens the belt on the dressing gown.

“Last night, I had Mike McGuiness in here with some friends.” She starts and walks to the dressing table. She pauses, glances at me, and motions to the bed. “You can sit down.”

I take a step toward her. “I’d rather stand.”

Her lip rises along with one brow. “Okay.” She opens a drawer and removes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She holds them up for me to see. “Do you mind?”

“Go ahead.” I just wanted her to tell me the information she has so I could return to Lily.

She lights up her cigarette and deposits the box and lighter back in the drawer. “So, he’s here with some friends bragging how he’s getting his cock sucked on O’Reagan premises while he just burnt one of their fun houses to the ground.”

The cheeky fucker. Not sure why he calls my nightclub a fun house; may be slang, or maybe he thinks I’m running a brothel from it. It didn’t matter either way. He was a dead man. But the information Alexis is giving me isn’t anything I don’t already know.

Maybe she senses the impatience in me as she blows smoke into the air and continues talking. “He plans to burn another one tonight.”

Now she has my attention. “Did he say where?”

Her features are tight. “He said here.”
