Page 32 of Mafia Secrets

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“He’s your father.” Sorcha admits.


I can see the impact of that knowledge coming down heavily on Lily. “My father?” She takes a step back, and I reach for her as she stumbles.

“He just wanted to protect you.”

“Mike is my father?” Lily repeats.

Sorcha nods. “Yes, baby.” She walks to Lily, and I release Lily’s arm but still stay right beside her. “His association with the RA made you a target, and we couldn’t have that. So, the safest plan was to have him act as your uncle.

“My entire life?” All the color has drained from Lily’s face.

“I know it’s a lot. But, it makes you less of a target.” Sorcha reaches up and touches Lily’s face. “It was done with love. And we couldn’t allow you to get tied up with Daniel. It’s too dangerous.”

“I would have protected her,” I say, and Sorcha finally looks at me, releasing her daughter's face. “I know that now. I’m sorry.”

“Where is Mike now?” I ask.

Sorcha steps back. “I don’t know.”

“He burned down my club, Sorcha, and pinned it on me. You don’t think he’s gone too far this time?”

Sorcha chews on her lip. “He just wants you away from Lily.”

Lily’s sharp intake startles me. “You knew he was burning down Daniel’s club just to keep him away.” Before she can answer, Lily takes a step toward her mother. “You don’t think explaining to me that Daniel is part of a rival gang and being with him is going to put me in danger would be wiser?”

“Would you have left him if we told you?” Sorcha asks.

I’m looking at Lily, and her eyelids lower. “I love him.” She tells her mother, and her answer is clearly no. She wouldn’t have left me.

My heart swells again.

“I need to speak to Mike to put an end to this, Sorcha, before someone does get hurt,” I say.

She looks from her daughter to me. “He’s here in Navan.”

Lily nods. “Let me get dressed, and then we will go and speak with him. I swear I’ll make him stop.” Lily promises. I smile and nod at her. “Okay.”

She leaves the room, and once she is out of ear shot, I drop the smile. “Where is he?”

“Daniel. He’s my husband.”

I nod. “You want Lily to come with me? You want her to see how ugly this can get.”

Her lips form a thin line. “He’s gone to Club Forty-Seven.”

My club. I turn to end this for once and for all.

“Don’t kill him,” Sorcha calls after me. “Lily will never forgive you.” She shouts. “And don’t you die.” I’m out the door and in the car when Lily, half-dressed, bursts out the front door. The look of betrayal on her face that I would leave should make me stop, but it doesn’t. I floor the car and pull away with a promise that this ends today.



Iarriveatmyclub on Ardboyne Road. It’s busy at this hour, and the club is starting to fill up. I pull up close to the door and approach the bouncers at the door. “I want the footage of everyone who has come and gone here tonight,” I say and walk past them, not waiting for an answer. Inside the club, there are groups of people drinking; some have already taken to the dance floor. I scan the crowd, but I don’t see Mike anywhere.

I stop by the bar staff. “Any problems today?” I ask.
